The End?

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Venus suddenly went limp as she began to plummet to her family and friends. Raph was the first to react, grabbing his Sias and commanding his ninpo to create his massive copy. His ninpo self then caught Venus in the air and slowly lowered her so she'd be held in Raph's actual arms. Venus hissed in pain as several bruises and scratches appeared all over her body, her cyan aura flickering as she everyone ran over. "Are you okay?" was a common thing to be asked but Venus huffed as she tried to push up from Raphs arms. "Y-you need to go, n-now!" Venus yelled, everyone turned as Big Mama landed on the rooftop, a cloud of smoke appearing as a crater appeared below her claws. Usagi saw his katana and ran to grab it, quickly jumping back as everyone grabbed their weapons and made their own barrier to block Venus from Big Mama.

The yokai sighed in annoyance as she looked at the family. "Look, I know you said you want her to be with you, but Venus belongs to me!" Big Mama yelled, but Usagi narrowed his eyes. "No, she doesn't. You just knew how to control her because she thought she had nothing more to live for." Usagi said, summoning some plant life to grab onto Big Mama and pull her claws back. Due to the fatigue she had gained from the fight with Venus, she didn't react fast enough to escape the vines and grunted as she tried to fight back. Usagi turned to family as Venus flopped in Raph's arms, trying to stay awake as she thought she still needed to fight. "Make a portal! I'll hold her back while you guys get away!" Usagi demanded and then turned his attention to Big Mama again, trying to keep as much plant life on Big Mama to hold her back.

Leo knew not to fight back and opened a big enough portal, everyone rushed in, but Leo remained outside. Big Mama was able to rip through the vines and jumped for a final attack, Usagi gasped as he stood frozen. But Leo was faster and grabbed Usagi by his short cloak and pulled Usagi closer to himself before both jumped into the portal. You could hear Big Mama yelling in defeat as everyone crashed onto the ground of the lair. Leo looked up as April made sure everyone else was there, Leo sighed in relief and pulled back to let Usagi get up on his own. "You saved me, why?" Usagi asked, Leo turned to a confused Usagi a smirked. "You saved Venus from that net, I wasn't just gonna leave you behind." Leo answered, and then got up as Donnie hurried over to Venus, who was beginning to pass out. Raph made sure to not crowed Venus to much as Donnie did a scan over Venus, Mikey standing to the side with April and Cassandra.

"You'll be alright." Donnie reassured as he pushed his goggles up. "Some rest and you should be a-okay." Donnie said as he stepped back, Venus laughed a little and sighed. "Okay..." Venus said and looked up at everyone and frowned as she saw how each of them were smiling at her. She looked down as she spoke again. "I'm sorry, for everything." Venus said, Raph scoffed at this, and everyone looked at him. "You should be, you nearly gave us all a heart attacking fighting Big Mama. Now you get some sleep, you look like you need it." Raph said, Venus was about to say something until everyone yelled "SLEEP!". Venus sighed and closed her eyes and got comfortable. "As much as I love that I'm part of this family, you guys' suck." Venus pouted and began to fall asleep as everyone chuckled at Venus. "I promise you Draxum! They aren't usually gone this long without letting me know where they are!" Splinter's voice rang through. Everyone turned to see a worried Splinter walk out of the kitchen with a slightly annoyed Draxum.

"I can also promise you Rat Man, that those teenagers are perfectly fine are their own." Splinter said, neither yet noticing the teens. Usagi cleared his throat, earning both parent's attention and they all looked over. "So... the rat was kinda right." Usagi said as he pointed to Splinter. Draxum blinked and looked at Raph, seeing Venus sound asleep in Raph's arms. "Wait... is that...?" Draxum asked as shock filled his face, the brothers looked to each other and smiled. "Guess we got a lot to explain." Mikey said sheepishly. And boy did they explain, they had Usagi, Cassandra and April help them out the best they could. Splinter held his chin as Draxum kept looking at the living rooms exit. He was worried about Venus, who was now sleeping in her room. Donnie had reassured Draxum that not only was Venus completely fine, but that she was indeed the dead daughter Draxum thought he had lost. Donnie even played the audio where Big Mama admitted she had tricked Draxum into leaving Venus behind.

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