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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the brothers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mikey smiled brightly as he and his brothers ran to the Figure's apartment. "So remind me again why we're going to an apartment that's most likely destroyed at this point?" Donnie voiced as he hovered in the air, Leo slid to a stop with a huff as he turned to his brother. "Because Don, we can't just leave those weapons in the apartment. If what the mutant said is true, they can't be left alone where anyone could find them." Leo said as Donnie flew down and his shell to return to its normal state. "I understand that part, just not as to why we're going to the apartment to find them." Donnie said and used hand gestures to convey his confusion.

"Don's got a point Leo, why would the mutant just leave them lying around?" Raph said as he raised a brow, Mikey landed next to Leo with a confused smile. "Okay, I'm not saying the weapons are in her apartment. But it could give us an idea as to where they are." Leo said with a frown. "Oooooooohhhhh." Raph said as Donnie shrugged. "That makes a lot more sense." Raph pointed out, Mikey smiled brightly and looked over the city behind them. "Then come on!" Mikey said as he got a head start of his brothers, which followed shortly behind. Since the sun was rising, the brothers had to be careful where they went around. Donnie had brought this up after the Stock Boy somehow got footage of the brothers. After a while, the four finally got the old and slightly destroyed apartment.

"Jeez, it looks worse than when we left it." Raph said as he picked up a random picture, it somehow turned to dust in his hands. The other three began to look around, attempting to find something that could help them but they didn't find much. After a while, Leo sighed in defeat and plopped onto the couch. "We've been here for three hours and still nothing!" Donnie complained as he threw a book against a wall, huffing in annoyance before sitting against the couch arms. Raph held his chin as he looked around and not seeing much either, but Mikey wasn't giving up. Mikey eventually went to the figure's old room and noticed the bed's pillow. He looked at it and realized that it was almost like someone had stabbed the pillow. Mikey lifted up the pillow and saw a note.

"Uh, hey guys?" Mikey said as he walked into the living space, the note in hand. His brothers looked up at Mikey as he was reading the note. "I don't think we're the only ones who came here." Mikey said as he held up the note, his brothers came over and Donnie held the note. "You're running out of places to run.... I will find you." Donnie read aloud as he stared at the note. Mikey then looked back at the bed, the other's eyes going wide when they saw it. "She's being hunted... that's what she meant when she said 'someone had sent us'." Leo said, Raph looked around, attempting to find something. Donnie flipped his goggles on and looked around.

"Whoever came here, they didn't leave any cameras." Donnie said as he looked back at Leo again. "So that must mean they thought she wouldn't come back here." Raph said as Mikey rubbed his arm. "They must know she moves often then." Leo said as he held his chin. "So then, does that mean she can't stay with us?" Mikey asked, fear in his voice. But it wasn't for him, but for his friend. Mikey knew the Figure was injured more than before he met her so she wouldn't be able to do most things. If someone was hunting her, she couldn't go hide in the mystic city. They'd be expecting her. Leo looked at his younger brother and then at Donnie again, who also seemed to notice Mikey's anxiety.

"She can stay with us." Leo said as he looked at Mikey, who was slightly relieved. "Besides, I doubt we could drag her out of the cell, even if we wanted." Leo said, Raph gave Leo a thumbs up as Donnie looked at his tech-gauntlet. "My scans say she's still in the small cell." Donnie said as he looked at his brother. "Great, then why don't we try to get back. Maybe we can actually get a name from her." Leo said as he headed towards the exit. It was starting to get old calling the Figure either a "Shadowy Figure" or just labeling her by her pronouns. The brothers head home by portal, thanks to Leo, missing a paper that was nailed to the wall.

But like said before, they didn't see it and went home. Raph and Leo offered to stay out to avoid suspicion from Splinter while Mikey and Donnie headed to Don's lab. The figure was awake again and stared at the curtains as they waited for either Mikey and Donnie to walk in. As expected, Mikey came in and let the Figure know he was coming in. Once the curtains closed behind Mikey again, he turned to see the lights were off. "Oh, I see you found the light switch." Mikey said as he tried to find the chair, the figure flicked the lights on.

"Ah, thanks. It's kinda hard to see in here." Mikey said once he finally found the chair and sat in it. The figure noticed he was tense and looked at him with an accusing brow. Mikey noticed and tried to change the subject. "So, it has come to me and my brother's attention that we've never introduced ourselves." Mikey said as he tried to shake off his worries. The figure remained silent but allowed him to talk by gesturing for him to continue. "Right, my name is Mikey. Me and my brothers all have full names but only Barry and Dad call us by that. Typically when he figures out one of us ate all of his cake." Mikey said, the figure then looked at Mikey with an intense look, like they were almost trying to find something on him.

'When they figure out you 'ate their cake', what do they do?'

The figure signed, almost like she was genuinely confused. Mikey caught on to what she meant and held up his hands in defense by shaking them. "Oh, they don't do anything to hurt us! Just kinda ground us or smack us lightly upside the head. They're like the 'I like you're cut G' meme the humans made a while back." Mikey smiled at figure, who looked even more confused.

'What is a 'meme'?'

The figure sighed, earning an offended gasp from behind the curtain. It was probably from Donnie. "I'm grabbing my tablet!" Donnie yelled from the other side, some small crashing sounds could be heard. Mikey and the figure looked at the curtain in confusion, was Donnie freaking out about on of his inventions or was he actually watching them. After a few seconds, Donnie's tablet slid through from below. "Uh, thanks Don?" Mikey said as he grabbed the tablet whilst looking at the curtain in confusion. "I have cameras in the corners of the room to scan our friend in the cell. I figured it would be easier on her." Donnie said, both the figure and Mikey looked around and found a camera facing the front side of the Figure.

"Huh, never knew that was in here." Mikey said as he moved the chair loser to the cell wall. the figure remained silent as she watched Mikey type something on the tablet. After a few minutes, Mikey moved the tablet to face the figure. The figure watched in confusion and interest as the meme played, Mikey smiled as the figure stared at the screen. After that, Mikey quickly explained the names of his brothers, April, Casey and Barry/Draxum. "So then, what's your name?" Mikey asked as he turned off the tablet and set it onto the ground. The figure stared at him for a moment before looking down at the ground in thought. The two stayed silent before the figure looked back to Mikey again.

'I don't remember my name'

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