Learning More

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Leo and Raph were hanging out in the living space, actually enjoying the silence. Raph looked over to his younger brother as Leo was trying to do a certain trick on his board. Raph looked up at Donnie's lab and frowned for a bit. "Hey Leo?" Raph called while Leo got off his board and kicked it up, catching it in the process. "What's up?" Leo asked as he walked over to his brother in red. "While I get you're leader and everything, I don't doubt you or anything, I'm just concerned about that fact we might be leading someone to our place who might hurt us." Raph said, trying his best to not sound like he was against Leo's orders. Leo nodded and thought for a moment.

"While I get your point, I'm sure we can take on someone who only shreds a pillow. We're actually training now and have Ninpo to help us out." Leo said, Raph rubbed the back of his neck. "Raph." Leo said, causing the red turtle to look up at Leo. "Has this mutant actually given us a reason as to why we need to throw her out?" Leo asked with a smirk. "Uh.. she stole those weapons?" Raph asked in confusion. "How about this. When we upset Mikey earlier, did she ignore him and tell him to get lost or let Mikey chill with her?" Leo asked as Raph held his chin. "She let him hang out." Leo nodded at Raph's answer. "Not to mention that when we attacked the figure, she was more worried about us letting him go than the weapons."

Raph blinked and took a deep breath. He walked up to his brother and stared down at him. Leo blinked in confusion as Raph placed his hands together (like he was praying) and moved his hands to point at Leo. "How." Raph said, Leo seemed confused. "How what?" Leo asked as he cocked his head to the side, Raph then grabbed his shoulders and began to shake Leo's form until he became a blur. "HOW THE HECK CAN YOU READ PEOPLE SO WELL?!" Raph yelled whilst still shaking his brother like there was no tomorrow. This happened for a bit until Leo began to yell for Raph to stop, which he did and still held Leo while Leo tried to rid of the new gained dizziness. Raph then slowly let Leo go with a concerned look on his face.

"You good?" Raph asked, his hands still up in case Leo fell. Leo took a second before giving his brother a thumbs up. "Y-yup, just give me a heads-up next time." Leo said, Raph laughed nervously as he finally lowered his hands. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just confused about how you're able to do this." Raph said in confusion, Leo shrugged his shoulders. "It's all about listening and watching how someone reacts towards certain things." Leo said, Raph still seemed confused about it. "You know how when we first met Big Mama, she said she never heard of Draxum? Even though she had a giant hotel for yokai and mutants?" Leo asked, Raph gasped as he finally got it. "Oooooohhhhhh, now I get it." Raph said, Leo smirked and patted Raph's shoulder. "There you go buddy." Leo said, both smiled at each other. But this was shortly cut off.

"WHAT?!?!" Mikey's voice boomed through the lair. The two turned to Donnie's lab and shortly back to Splinters door. Both waited in silence before sighing in relief upon hearing Splinter's loud snores. "Mikey!" Donnie scowled from the other side of the curtain. Mikey laughed nervously as the figure raised a brow, almost like she was taunting him.  "I know, I know. Keep it down. Sorry Don." Mikey said and grabbed the tablet again. "Sorry, but what do you mean by you 'don't remember your name'?" Mikey asked as he began to look through some apps Donnie had on his tablet. Donnie had downloaded some apps that the mystic city had made, like accessing their news and other things like "Missing People" records.

'Most people just labeled me as my rank'

"Oh, I guess it must've been for so long then." Mikey said and looked up, noticing how the figure was looking down at the ground in thought. She only sighed and looked back up at Mikey. "I just realized something." Mikey said as he set the tablet down yet again, it was almost like he couldn't decide what to do with it. "You don't actually know what most people our age do. Do you." Mikey said, the figure shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, I'll look for a few things we can do together while I cook dinner." Mikey said as he got up and got ready to leave the darkened room. The figure watched him and noticed he stopped in front of the curtain. It was like a recurring thing for him to suddenly remember something at the last minute.

"You don't have any food allergies, do you?" Mikey asked with a smile, the figure shook her head no and watched Mikey leave. Once he did, she turned her head to the keypad again. "The number is '12345'." Donnie called from the other side of the curtain. The figure looked back up at the camera and flicked the light off. "I can still see you through the camera." Donnie said, the figure rolled her eyes and grabbed the blanket again to wrap herself. Back with Mikey, he began to ran down the stairs with a smile on his face. "Hey Mikey." Leo called out as Mikey waved to him. "Hey guys, I have a quick question." Mikey said as he made his way to his brothers. "Sure bud, what's up?" Raph asked with his usual snaggle tooth smile.

"Okay, so our friend doesn't have a name, doesn't know where or who her family is and has massive fear of labs. I need an idea of a dinner meal that'll show her she can trust us." Mikey said with a giant smile, but it disappeared and was replaced with confusion when he saw Raph and Leo's shocked expressions. "Uh, can we rewind what you just said?" Raph asked, concern filling his voice as he made a rewind motion with his hands. "You're saying that not only she doesn't have a name, but she also doesn't know who her family is?" Leo asked, a more calculated look on his face with concern still filling his features.

"Yeah, that's why I need some dinner ideas that scream 'you can trust us, we only want to help!'." Mikey said with a grin, still avoiding the part that shocked his brothers. Raph held his chin in thought as he attempted to come up with an idea. "Uhh, pizza maybe? It's what we usually eat." Raph said with uncertainty. Mikey also thought for a moment before smiling and nodded. "Okay, I'll be in the kitchen if you guys need me!" Mikey said as he dashed to the kitchen, leaving his brothers to stand there. Raph heard Leo hum, so he turned to his blue brother to see Leo was thinking with his fist in front of his mouth. "What 'ca thinking about Leo?" Raph asked as Leo folded his arms together across his chest.

"When we first meet this mutant, she somehow stole dangerous weapons from a bunch of humans like it's nothing. Next, she reveals she's being hunted and has a massive fear of labs and needles." Leo said as he shifted his gaze to Donnie's lab again, Raph did the same but with a confused look. "What are you saying Leo?" Raph asked as he looked back to his brother. "That the plan is changing. Until we have helped her and understand what happened to her, Mrs. Shadowy Figure is staying with us in the lair." Leo said, Raph nodded and looked back at the kitchen again. "Maybe we should visit her later, hopefully we'll get some answers if Mikey got them so easily." Raph said, Leo shrugged his shoulders, and both returned to what they were doing before.

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