Who is after you?!

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While Mikey was on his way to find the figure's name and other personal info, Donnie was showing the figure around while Raph tried to have a plan as to what he should say to April once she gets here. At the moment, Donnie and Leo were in the kitchen and showing the figure what foods, she could snack on if she ever left Donnie's lab. "Recently, Barry has been trying to get us to eat more fruits so it's common to find apples, or something." Donnie explained as he tossed an apple to the figure, who caught it as Leo sighed in annoyance. "He's being such a dad, always telling us what to do. It got annoying really quick." Leo complained as Leo and the figure looked at him. "And yet you say, 'Thank you, dad' every time he does it." Donnie said with a smug smile, Leo turned red as he glared at his brother. "That was one time!!!!" Leo yelled back, Donnie began to laugh as Leo groaned in annoyance while the figure looked between the two in confusion. "Is he not your biological father?" The figure asked as she sat on a stool.

Since none of the brothers knew sign language, the figure thought it be easier to just communicate verbally. "Uh.... sort of?" Leo said as Donnie held his chin. "He made us using Pop's DNA, something we call Ooze and this giant machine that we trashed a few years after." Leo explained, the figure hummed as she looked at the apple. "I think my creator also did that with me." The figure said, Donnie looked at the figure as Leo laughed and caught the figure's attention. "Ironic! So, means you're a mutant then." Leo said as he leaned against the chair. "I suppose, since I did not originate from where yokai do." The figure said, Leo looked at her bluntly. "Why are you talking like that? All technical?" Leo asked, the figure shrugged her shoulders as Donnie got an alert on his wrist tech. "I do not know; I was just taught to do so. I will admit it does get annoying talking like this after a while." The figure admitted as she tossed the apple back into it's bowl.

"Hey guys?" Donnie asked as he typed something as the others got his attention. "MIKEY!!!!!!" Someone yelled from the other room, the figure looked towards the sound with narrowed eyes as Leo and Donnie looked in fear. "I think the girls are here." Donnie said as the figure got up and the knife collection. "OH! HEY APRIL, CASEY, AND SUNITA! IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU, IN THE LAIR, WHICH IS WHERE WE ALL LIVE!" Raph yelled loudly, as if Sunita's yell wasn't enough to tell the three that they had arrived. "Are they here to hurt him?" The figure asked as she reached to the knife. Leo yelped and grabbed her wrist, something that was rewarded with an angry glare. "Oh, sorry, but no. April, our human friend is just wanting to know where Mikey was last night. He was supposed to head to movie night with him, April, our other human friend, Cassandra, and another mutant friend, Sunita." Leo explained as Donnie sneaked a peak and sucked a breath. "Oh boy, Raph's not gonna last long." Donnie said, causing Leo and the figure to look also.

"Why were you yelling?" Casey asked as she rubbed her ears, Sunita and April glared at Raph. The turtle stood in front of the three as he fumbled with his hands. "Uh, no reason." Raph said with a nervous smile as Leo and Donnie looked to each other nervously. "We need to get her back to your lab." Leo said as he pulled the figure back, but the figure looked at Leo and Donnie in confusion. "Why? If they're your friends, shouldn't they be fine with me?" The figure asked as she gestured to herself. This kinda shocked Leo and Donnie as they gave her surprised looks. "What?" The figure asked with confusion. "Oh, we just thought that since you kinda have this whole dark past, that you wouldn't like to meet other people." Leo explained, Donnie smacked his forehead, as the figure just rolled her eyes. She stood up and proceed to walk out of the kitchen, ignoring Leo and Donnie's silenced yells for her to come back. As April was questioning and getting up in Raph's face, Sunita caught sight of the figure and gasped gleefully.

"You didn't tell us you have a new turtle friend!" Sunita said, April stood interrogating Raph as she and Casey turned to see the figure. The figure froze from their giant smiles as they looked at the figure, who began to think this was a bad idea. "New friend!" Casey said as she ran for the figure, whose body became ridged as Leo and Donnie came out of the kitchen. The figure narrowed her eyes as Casey tried to tackle her into a hug, but the figure jumped over Casey and twisted her body in the air to land on her bad ankle. Once she landed on it, the figure yelled in pain and fell to her knees. "Oh no!" Sunita said as the figure pushed herself to sit on her bottom and to look at her ankle. Casey looked over to see what happened as the turtle brothers rushed over, Donnie ran to the figure to check her ankle while Leo and Raph attempted to explain the situation to the three girls.

"I apologize for forcing you into a hug, normal Mikey's friend love hugs." Casey explained as Donnie scanned the Figure's ankle. "It's fine." The figure said quietly, Donnie flipped his goggles up and sighed. "Good news and bad news." Donnie said as he looked at the figure. "Which you want first?" Donnie asked the figure. "Bad news." The figure answered as she attempted to get up, but Donnie put his hands onto her shoulders and pushed her down. "Your ankle is worse. Mikey didn't exactly tell me how long your ankle had been broken but it's worse than when we brought you here. I'm just gonna say you probably won't be able to walk for a bit." Donnie said, causing Leo to huff in annoyance. "Great, now Mikey is gonna yell at us once he gets back." Leo said, Donnie frowned as he looked at his younger brother. "That's the good news, he's back." Donnie said he pointed to the lair entrance and one of Draxum's portals appeared. Mikey walked through like Donnie said and froze when he saw the girls. "Oh, hey guys...." Mikey said nervously as April folded her arms across her chest.

"Normally, I'd demand to know why you didn't come to Movie Night. But I got that answered real quick." April said as she pointed a thumb to the figure. Mikey laughed nervously as the Figure looked at him. "Donnie told me I broke my ankle again, it's worse than before." Sweat grew on Donnie, Leo and Raph's faces as Mikey looked shocked. "Wha- I thought you guys said you were gonna show her around! Not rough house!" Mikey yelled at his brothers, who all pointed at Casey. "It was her fault!" They yelled together, Sunita sucked in her breath, April sighed as she rubbed her brow and the Figure just looked at Casey. After Casey got yelled at by Mikey for a good ten minutes, Mikey announced he had some news. "So, I want to the station and asked if they had a file on you." Mikey said as he gestured to the figure, who looked hopeful.

"I sense a massive 'but', coming." Leo said, confusing the figure. She frowned and looked at Mikey in worry as Mikey sighed and nodded. "We couldn't find it through all the several results of other turtle yokai." Mikey said, Donnie held his hand up. "She's actually a mutant, turns out she was created in a similar way as us." Donnie explained after Mikey called on him. "Alright then, I'll be sure to tell Mona that next time we go back." Mikey said, confusing the figure even more. "Why do you mean by 'go back'?" Sunita asked, almost reading everyone else thoughts. "Turns out, there's another way to find your file!" Mikey said, a nervous grin plastered onto his face. "You're not gonna like it." Mikey said, but the figure gestured for him to continue. "They need a DNA sample." Mikey said, waiting for them to get it.

"Okay? Just grab a swab and-" Mikey laugh interrupted Donnie. "Yeah, no..... Mona said she'll be needing a.... blood, sample." The figure froze as Donnie turned to her. "No." The figure said, Mikey frowned as he got closer. "Come on, the faster we find your family, the faster we can-" "I said NO!" The figure yelling, causing Mikey to freeze as the figure stood up. She ignored the complaints from everyone as she shoved them off and began to hop on one foot to Donnie's lab. "Shadow, come on! Please, we want to help you!" Mikey pleaded as he walked up to the figure, who held onto the railing as she kept walking. "You can't help me, especially with who is after me." The figure said as she kept walking, leaving everyone to just sit there. Leo narrowed his eyes and scoffed as he stood up, walking next to Mikey as he glared at the figure. "Maybe if you told us who is after you, we'd stop nagging you!" Leo yelled, tired with how much effort Mikey was putting into helping this one mutant that none of them knew personally.

The figure stopped as she was just a few feet ahead of them, turning to them all. The figure shifted her gaze to the ground every now and then before sighing and turning her gaze back to them. "Big Mama." The figure said, everyone was silent with shock as Mikey looked at the Figure sadly. "I was sold to her by my creator, who took me from my family. Since I ran away, I know some secrets that I'm sure could ruin her. But not even the things I could tell you would be able to stop her." The figure said and then walked to Donnie's lab in silence, no one daring to say a word as the labs door slammed shut behind the Figure.

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