Chapter 31

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"Good morning, my beautiful wife." Gabriel smiled as he pulled me closer.

"Good morning, my handsome husband." I smiled and rested my head on his bear chest. Then I remembered, he had to leave in just a few short hours. "I wish you didn't have to go." I sighed still upset about the whole thing but bad things happen if good people do nothing, and I knew Gabriel was called to serve.

"I know me too, but if I do my best everyday out there it means I'll be home sooner." He said trying to make me feel better. "But I do need to get up and get ready to go." He sighed as did I once again.

The whole town gathered to say goodbye to Gabriel, it made me more emotional. I was crying as Grace comforted me as did Lillian. "Be safe out there, Gabriel. I'll check in with Adeline for you as I'm sure Grace and Lillian will." Chuck said as they hugged goodbye they were good friends and would miss each other. "Thank you. Keep her safe, she's my world." Gabriel smiled before walking off.

Next was Lillian, "I will check on her everyday and be there for her when she needs someone. Please be safe Gabriel, come home for town and for her." Lillian said as a tear left her eye as they hugged. "Thank you Lillian, I know she'll be okay with all of you guys there for her."

"She is my best friend and I will do literally anything for Adeline, so don't worry about her one bit. She's in good hands till you come home." Grace said with a half smile trying to hide the tears that were filling her eyes. Gabriel let out a small laugh as they pulled away from their hug, "I'm glad but I'll still worry about her." Gabriel smiled before walking over to me.

We didnt share any words at first but just hugged each other for as long as we could. "You better be safe Gabriel Kinslow. I need you, I love you so much." I told him as tears fell from my eyes once again. "And come home to me soon."

"Adeline Kinslow, I promise to home to you as soon as I can. I love you my beautiful wife." He said before giving me a kiss on the forehead and hugging me one more time. "Remember were looking at the same moon every night, and I will do that every night before I go to bed and think of you." He added, "I love you." He kissed me again but this time it was more passionate we both knew it was going to be awhile till we saw each other again. "I love you too." I smiled as we pulled apart.

He looked back one more time as he rode off and I give me a smile and yelled "I love you" to him once again. I prayed over him and ask for him to come home safe and sound.

"Sometimes waiting is the hardest thing of all. Its been three weeks since Gabriel left I miss him so much, I heard from him yesterday saying he got safely to his posting and how his journey was there. Everyone as checked in with me to see if I need anything or ask how I'm doing which I thought was very kind of them. I'm heading out later today to go to Hope Valley for the rest of the summer which was about 6 weeks, I missed my family and I figured now would be the time to go, especially since Jack left to help fight in the Northern Territories too. I'm going to take Bilzzed with me that should be a fun experience. Anyway I better start getting around to leave.

Lillian, Grace, and their children came to see me off I was thankful to have such good friends. "Write us as much as you can but enjoy your time with family I know you miss them." Grace smiled as we hugged. "I definitely will. I'll back a week before school starts I'll see you then." I smiled and hugged Lillian goodbye. "Have a good trip, Adeline. We'll miss you."  I smiled at Lillian's words. I waved out the stagecoach as it left, now to enjoy the 5 hour ride back.

As I came out the stagecoach I was greeted by so many people, family and friends who I haven't seen in a long time. "Welcome back, Adeline!" Everyone cheered. My mom embraced me with a hug, oh I've missed her. "How are you doing Adeline after that long ride?"

"Tried and a bit nauseous after that long, bumpy ride." I told her with smile. "Its good to be back, I've missed it here." I added.  I talked to everyone that came to welcome me it was such a sweet thing to do. I made plans to see Penny tomorrow and catch up along with Aunt Rosie and Uncle Lee.

"How's Gabriel? Have you heard from him?" My mom asked as we ate dinner which was amazing.

"I heard from him yesterday he's doing good. He just got to his posting, and is getting his orders." I told her with a half smile trying to hide the fact that I missed him.

"Amd how are you doing? I went through the same thing I know how it feels to worry about the one you love." She said before taking a bite of the lasagna she made.

"It hasn't been easy and it's only been three weeks. How did you do it mom?" I asked tearing up.

"It wasn't easy. Knowing where is was, what he was doing. But I knew he was good at what he did, he loved his job, and he loved his country. I knew that he was doing everything he could to make sure that he could come home." She told me as she grabbed my hand, and smiled.
"I know how much Gabriel loves you, and just like your father he will do everything in his power to come home safe and sound to you." She added as a tear fell from my eye.

"Thank you, mom. I don't know what I do without you." I smiled wiping away the tear. We finished dinner and talked a little bit more but I was still tried from my journey so I called it an early night. I looked out the window and to the moon smiling know the love of my life was looking at it too. 

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