Chapter 37

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"Its almost Christmas! It's just a few days away. School is out on winter break and penny came a few days ago and is going to stat a few more days with me before Christmas, mother wanted to come but something came up so she couldn't. If you didn't know I was pregnant, you can definitely tell now. I'm 28 weeks and the baby is doing wonderful, always kicking keeping me on my toes. Gabriel is doing well, staying to stay warm in tents is hard but he's doing it. He said that he's hoping to be home soon but still will be awhile. I can't wait for him to know about the baby, I've come close wanting to tell him but I haven't. I miss him and can't wait for him to come home."

"Its cold out there." Penny said as she brought in a arm full of wood since we were running low. "I have no doubt, but don't you love winter?" I asked with a laugh. "Maybe when I was 10 but not anymore." She said as she loaded up the fire place, "Well, ill give you that." I laughed moving to get comfortable again, it was a hard thing now days. "How's Gabriel doing?" Penny asked walking over to join me on the couch. "Hes doing the best he can but he says it could be awhile still." I told her as i was thinking about him, I missed him so much. I loved having Penny here it was nice to spend time with her, it's been a very long time. I made dinner which was chill, Gabriels favorite. We laughed and had a good time before I was tired and went to bed, as I looked at the moon the baby kicked and made the moment even more special to me.

I needed some things from town, I was starting to make some baby clothes. I had a little bit that my mom sent me and that Penny had given as well, this baby is already spoiled. I made room for a crib in my room since it was the only bedroom, the house is slowly coming along but it won't be ready till summer.  Chuck stood in the door way as I was bundling up to head out in the cold snowey weather.

We stopped in front of Joe's and Chuck came around to help me get down, I thought it was hard in general but try being pregnant and doing it. "Hello, Adeline, Good afternoon Chuck." Joe said welcoming us as we walked in, "Good afternoon, Joe! Anything from Gabriel at all?" I asked him, he turned to looked and grabbed an envelope. "As of matter of fact there is." He said smiling at hanging it to me, "Thank you, Joe!" I smiled. I found everything I needed and Chuck got some things before we headed back out.

The letter of Gabriel was him wishing me a merry Christmas and wishing he was here to spend it with me, but couldn't wait for next year so he could be here.
Few days later.....

"I wish you didn't have to leave, Penny I'm gonna miss you." I said giving her a hug, it was Christmas Eve and she had to head home to spend Christmas with her family. "I'll come visit soon, I promise. It's been a fun couple of days, Adeline thank you." Penny smiled as we pulled apart from our hug, "You better. You're welcome, Penny. Anything for you." I smiled as she opened the door which let I'm the cold air. "You have a ride tonight to the service, right?" She asked as she got on her horse, "Yes, Chuck is going to take me. You better get going so your home in time for yours." I laughed. "Yeah. Merry Christmas, Adeline." She smiled "Merry Christmas, Penny. Be safe heading back." I smiled she nodded her head before riding off quickly went back inside to warm back up, it was cold and snowing out there.

It was getting close to get ready for the Christmas Eve service, so I got ready to leave. I wore a red dress that somehow fit me. I wish Gabriel could be home for Christmas but I was hoping he would be soon. There was a knock on the door, I opened it to see Chuck. "Are you ready?" He asked, I nodded my head and walked out into the cold. He helped me up and then once he was on we were off to church. We talked about Christmas and now it was going to definitely be snowing for the next few days. Soon we arrived at church Chuck helped me down and told me to head in while he took care of the horses.

"Hi!" I said as I saw Grace and Lillian with their children. "Hello, Adeline. You look beautiful tonight, how's the baby?" Grace asked as we hugged. "Thank you. The baby is doing wonderful, always kicking me." I laughed and put a hand on my stomach. "What are doing for Christmas tomorrow?" Lillian asked, "Nothing much. Probably just work on some lessons for school." I smiled, I wasn't doing much of anything it didn't feel like Christmas without Gabriel. "Then your coming over to have Christmas dinner with us, it'll be fun." Grace smiled, I was thankful for these people who more like family. "Thank you, it doesn't feel quite like Christmas without Gabriel." I said to them and they understood. "Good evening, everyone and merry Christmas!  Let's get tonight started." Pastor John said with a cheerful smile.

We sang some Christmas songs and it was beautiful. We're were singing Silent night one of my favorite Christmas songs, I wish Gabriel was here. After we finished singing pastor John did a great job on the Christmas service, it felt a little bit more like it. Soon it ended and everyone started to talk again including me, I was a good time but I was starting to a bit tired. "Chuck is it okay if we head back?" I asked him, "Of course, let me get the horses ready I'll come in to help you out." He said before heading back into the cold snowey weather. I put my coat on and wished Lillian and Grace Merry Christmas before Chuck helped me outside. Chuck and I talked about the service, we both thought pastor John did a good job. It was pretty much dark outside and it was snowing, I wondered if it was doing this where Gabriel was.

We arrived back at the house Chuck pulled back on the rains to stop the horses. He hopped down and walked over, the snow falling around was so quiet and peaceful you can't have Christmas without snow.  "Merry Christmas,  Adeline." Chuck smiled as we hugged, "Merry Christmas,Chuck. Thank you for everything." I smiled as we pulled apart. "Of course. I told Gabriel I'd be here for you. You better get inside the temperature is dropping quickly." I nodded and headed to the door, "Goodnight, Chuck!" I yelled out before heading inside. A chill ran down my back as I shut the door behind me, I took of my coat and hung it up Christmas wouldn't be the same this year, I looked at the Christmas tree what was in the living room beautiful as it always was this time of year. "Merry Christmas, Gabriel." I smiled at a picture him before heading off to bed.

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