Chapter 34

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"Well, the time as come that I much head back home to prepare for the next school year to start, which I was excited for. I'm going to miss being here in Hope Valley being surrounded by family and friends but I have some pretty amazing friends back home. I told everyone about the baby and everyone was so happy for me, especially Penny. It was going to be hard going through pregnancy without Gabriel by my side but I would get through it. I just hope he comes home soon."

Everyone who greeted me is now wishing me safe travels back home, it was a bittersweet thing. "Be safe, Adeline. If you help with anything I can come out to help you for a few days." Uncle Lee said as he hugged me goodbye, I was grateful for him.

"Thank you, uncle Lee. That means the world to me." I smiled and he returned it.

"I'm definitely coming out for a week to help you, Adeline. Just let me know when." Penny smiled before hugging, I chuckled at her. "Thanks Pen." I smiled.

"We need to be going Miss," The stagecoach driver said kindly to me, I nodded as I turned to my mother. "I'm gonna miss having you around." My mom said as we hugged but it was a but longer than the others. "I'll be here if you have any questions or need help. Be safe and I hope school goes well." She added as we hugged. "Thank you mother. Love you." I smiled as we pulled apart and Uncle Lee helped me up into the stage coach. "Love you too, Adeline. Let me know how Gabriel is when you here from him again." She smiled, "I will." I smiled just as the coach started to move, I waved for as long as possible but we turned the corner. Bilzzed let out a meow as we start the journey back home, it was like he was saying he was going to miss everyone.

It was a long, bumpy ride home which made me nauseous by the time I saw Brookfield came into my view I was so ready to lay down and rest. Chuck, Lillian, and Grace where there to welcome me home, I smiled as I saw them though my window. Finally it stop which was nice, I grabbed Bilzzed and opened the door.

"Welcome home!" Grace said excitedly, I put down Bilzzed so I could hug her. "Thank you Grace!" I smiled as we hugged. Next was Lillian and then Chuck. "I'm not feeling well after the trip but that's because of the a baby." I said with a huge smile on my face, the faces the three of them made where nothing but excitement and happiness. Grace pretty much screamed and hugged me again, I just laughed as we hugged.

"I'm so excited for you, Adeline. You and Gabriel are going to be amazing parents." Lillian said as we hugged once again.

"Congratulations, Adeline." Chuck smiled as we hugged, "how did Gab respond? I'm sure he was beyond excited." Chuck said, "Actually. I haven't told him yet, I really want to surprise him. I'm just hoping he comes home before the baby is born." I smiled as I told them. "That's a great idea Ad, but what happens if the baby comes before?" Lillian asked generally curious. "I haven't thought that far ahead, I'm just hoping he's home." I smiled, "I'm really tired so I'm going head home, thank you for the warm greeting." I smiled at my friends.

"Of course. But I'm giving you a ride home in the wagon." Chuck said as he took my bags and put them in, "Thank you." I smiled as I was grateful, I didn't want to walk 3 miles after that ride. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I smiled at Lillian and Grace they nodded as Chuck stared the ride home.

The ride home wasn't long but I was so ready to lay down I felt so nauseous and just didn't feel well. Chuck helped me down and I went to open the door so he could he my bads.

"Thank you, Chuck." He smiled, "There's one more thing." He said walking out, I was so confused. I had Bilzzed and all of my bags, what else was there? "The girls didn't want me to say anything but here, they thought you could use this." He said pulling down a basket full of groceries which I was so thankful for. "That was very kind of them." I smiled at their kind thought. "Well, I'll let you rest. Let me know if you need anything, I promise Gabriel that I'd take of you until he comes home." Chuck said with a small smile on his face, I was grateful for him. "Thank you, Chuck. It makes it a bit easier knowing I have so many people to go to for help." I smiled before he smiled and shut the door behind him. I put the groceries away, the house needed some cleaning but that could wait until the morning.

I got ready for bed, it still was a bit early to call it a night but I was so tired and nauseous I didn't care. It took me a while to fall asleep but once I did I was out.

I woke up to Bilzzed in my face licking me, I chuckled at the cat and moved him aside as I sat up. He came back to me purring, he really was a great cat. "You are a good kitty, Bilzzed." I told him and he meow at me which made me laugh. I petted him for a few more minutes getting up and ready for my day. Today I needed to clean my house and finish going over some papers for school, nothing super exciting today.

I made myself some eggs because those just sounded really good, and along with some milk. I washed my dishes and moved on to cleaning, I needed to do laundry, dust, sweep, and mop. After that I need to go over papers for school, because we start in just 4 days.

Cleaning took a bit longer than I expected, I was tired and out of breath at times. I was working on laundry now, it was a beautiful day outside which was perfect to dry them. One by one I hung them up, Bilzzed decided he wanted to come out and help by rubbing up against me. Soon I finished that and I moved onto sweeping the floors, they were dirt and needed it and a mopping as well. Soon I was finished and I sat down to relax before I moved on to papers, I also getting hungry so I made a snack.

I was so busy working on my lessons for school I didn't notice how late it was until my stomach reminded me once again. I wasn't that far along but I already was eating more than normal. I made just an easy sandwich and sat back down to finish lessons for school, I really wanted it to be a fun year for the kids so I put my all into for them. I had just finished when the nauseous feeling hit me, I decided to just call it a night since I've had a busy day cleaning and working on lessons. I looked at the moon and put my hand over my stomach, "I wish you could come home, I want you to be here for this new journey in life." I said some how hoping he'd know I was thinking about him.

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