Chapter 13

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It was quite the whole way back to Adeline's house, no one said a word. Soon they arrived back at her place, "Thank you for dropping me off." Adeline said with a little smile, "Yeah, no problem." Chuck give a small smile back, "Will you be okay alone?" He asked his friend, "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine." She told with another small smile, he smiled back before heading off into the path back to town. She looked around before heading back in the house, she walked in and sat on the couch a lot was going threw her head.

An hour later she heard a knock on the door, she jumped out of her deep thoughts. "Come in!" She said as she walked over, Gabriel cane walking in. "Sorry I couldn't come sooner." He said taking his hat off and hanging it on the back of the kitchen chair. "It's fine." She told him, "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you or anything, right?" He asked, "No, I'm perfectly safe." She told him, "You don't seem like your self, are you sure everything okay?" He asked, she motioned him to come sit down with her, "Remember when we first started courting and you said if the Mounties wanted you to have a wife they would of issued you one?." Adeline said sitting down besides Gabriel on the couch, "I think they might be right-" Gabriel immediately looked a little worried, "Gabriel, when I saw that man point that gun at you, it was like I couldn't breathe. It was like my whole world stopped. What if he'd shot you?" Adeline asked as tears filled both their eyes, "He didn't." He responded, "Not this time. It scared me, Gabriel. It scares me to think that one day, you may not come home. It scares who think that what happened to my father could happen to you. I need to able to sleep at night, knowing you're safe." Adeline told him, "I will be safe." He said to her, "But you can't promise that." She added, "No one can. But I'm good at my job. And I'm not afraid to face danger." He added, "And that's something I would never want to change about you." Adeline told him.

"That means the world to me." Gabriel said with a half smile, Adeline looked down at the ground as a tear fall, "But, Gabriel... I don't know if I'm brave enough to spend my life with someone as brave as you." She said as more tears fall down her face, "Why are you doing this?" He asked, "Doing what?" She asked looking up at him, "Pushing us apart." He said looking at her, "I'm just trying to tell you what I feel. Don't you see? I'm trying to tell you that I'm afraid of losing you. I'm afraid you're gonna die." Adeline said as even more tears fall down her face, "Nobody can tell what the future will bring." He told her as his eyes still were watery. "I think I need break for a while. I need to figure things out and make sure that I'm not leading you on in anyway." Adeline told him, "How long?" He asked, "I don't know, maybe a few weeks or months." Adeline told him as another tear fall down her face, he nodded his head and got up to head to the door, "Gabriel!" She said getting up and running over to him as he was about to walk out of the door, he looked up at her, "I'm sorry." She told him, "Me too." He said before walking out of the door, she watched him leave the path and she went back in side and shut the door only for her to slide down it to the floor and cry.

So what are y'all thinking so far? I'm sorry for not updating sooner I'm one busy gal lol. Please let me know if your enjoying it or if you have any ideas for a fun chapter!

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