Chapter 43

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Lillian and I walked up to the busy men who were working on building our house I was pushing the stroller with a sleeping Timothy and Tucker following behind me. Tucker is a 5 month old German Shepherd that some friends had to rehome so we happily took him in, we all loved him he was a great addition to our family.

"Anyone hungry?" Lillian and I yelled out everyone stopped working and came right over to get the food we had bought. Tucker ran off to find Gabriel it wasn't long till he came back running over with Gabriel following behind him who was covered in sweat working in the hot sun to get our house done.

"Hello there pretty lady." Gabriel smiled before giving me a kiss, "Timothy, I love you." He said looking at his sleep son.

"How's the house coming along?" I asked Gabriel as he grabbed some water, "Good, we're finishing up the back and then we're gonna work on the interior." Gabriel smiled before drinking his water. "I can't wait, it's coming along so well!" I smiled as Timmy started to stir, I made sure to keep an eye on him. "We'll be done around late August, maybe a little earlier." Gabriel told me.

We talked a little bit longer as he ate his lunch and then he headed back to work. I stayed to watch a but Lillian had to leave we said our goodbyes, as my son started to cry.

"Good afternoon, Timothy." I smiled picking him up and as he continued to cry. "It's okay love, mommy's here." I smiled holding him close and that seemed to work cause he claimed down. I heard a horse coming I looked up to see a Mountie, probably looking for Gabriel. He stop and jumped off his horse and walked over to me, "Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm looking for Constable Kinslow I was told I could find him here." He said looking at me in a way that made me very uncomfortable. "What's a pretty lady like you out here in the heat? Someone as pretty as you must have someone?" He asked me, I was to stunned to say a word.

"Yeah she does, her husband." Gabriel said walking over clearly mad about the situation, he pulled me close and wrapped an arm around my waist. "And next time you try and flirt with another man's woman, make sure she's not married to the Constable your looking for." Gabriel finished, the Mountie fell slight and was embarrassed.

As was tending to Timothy when the two Mounties finished talking, Gabriel was walking over to me as the other one got on his horse and rode off. He had a look on his face, and I knew exactly what it was.

"Duty calls, doesn't it?" I asked as Timothy started to cry, I was upset but that's the life of being married to a Mountie.

"At first light tomorrow, I have to ride off to Hope Valley to join your brother and a few other Mounties. The Walker gang escaped custody, leaving one Mountie killed and another seriously injured." Gabriel told me pulling me close  knowing I would worry about him and my brother. "We'll be okay, I promise." I smiled nodding my head trying not to show how upset and worried I was.

After the news Gabriel called it a day and everyone went home, I was making dinner as Timmy was sleeping near by Gabriel was sitting at the table going over some Mountie things. Gabriel and I didn't say a word to each other at dinner and it kind of made me mad but I didn't say anything. I put Timothy in his crib and walked out to the living room to see Gabriel just staring at the wall, I looked out at the table and his papers were still sitting there after I asked him to move them.

"Gabriel can you please move your paperwork off the table and put it on the counter? And what happened to not bringing work home?" I asked getting a little frustrated with him.

"That stopped after you begged me to to come home sooner at evenings." He said getting up and moving them.

"I never begged you to come home earlier, you made that decision yourself, Kinslow." I told him getting irritated.

"No, I clearly remember you asking me after Timothy was born. And what was up with that Mountie earlier today, huh? Did you start that?" He asked rising his voice at me, it took me back because he's never done that.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" I asked

"You heard me," Gabriel said.

"I can't believe this. Do you really think I would start something like that? I'm happily married to you with a beautiful son. So please tell me, why would I do that Gabriel?" I said as we argued about this, over something so ridiculous.

"I don't know, maybe because you thought I wouldn't notice. " He started to yell at me, tears started to fill my eyes . 

"Oh please! I actually can't believe you would think I would do such a thing, Gabriel! I'm happily married to you who I love with all of my being. Im going to bed, you can sleep on the couch. Goodnight!" I yelled back at him before walking off.

The morning came and when I walked out Gabriel was gone and didn't even leave me a note, I was still mad at the fight we had last night. I made breakfast and than I fed Timothy. I spent the day with Lillian, it was much needed.  She couldn't believe what he accused me of doing, and to be honest I didn't either it was so unlike him to do something like that. The next day came and still no Gabriel, I was starting to get worried but I figured he would be gone a few days.

It was mid afternoon on the forth day and still no Gabriel, I figured he and the other Mounties were busy trying to find the gang still. I was spending another day with Lillian at the orphanage, which was fun. The kids loved to see baby Timothy, and I loved to play with them.

Timothy was out cold after playing with the kids, so Lillian and I started lunch for the kids when there was a knock on the door. Lillian ran off to get it, it was another minute or so before she walked in teary eyed with Jack behind her.

"What's going on? Where's Gabriel, Jack?" I asked  trembling with fear, "Where is my husband, Jack Thornton?" I asked again.

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