Chapter 27

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Spring as always been my favorite time of year. It brings happiness, new hope, new life, new dreams, and nowhere is that promise more real then Brookfield on a beautiful spring morning like today.

"Relax Adeline you'll be fine. I was terrified on my wedding too but when I saw your father at the end of the aisle everyone just faded out and it was just us. I know it sounds corny but you'll see soon enough." My mother told me as I stood in front of the mirror in my mother's wedding dress, I always knew I would marry my husband in this dress and now that time as come.

"I wish father could be here." I said as my mother handed me my flowers she smiled softly at me. "Didn't you tell a boy a little a while ago that his parents are always with him in here." She said pointing to my heart. "Adeline your father is with you every moment of everyday, and I know he's smiling down right now and he would love Gabriel." My mom said as we both had watery eyes. "They would definitely talk Mountie things." I said chuckling which made my mom chuckle too thinking about it. "They would be two peas in a pod." She said chuckling some more, "I guess us Thornton women have a thing for them." I said which made my mom chuckling turn into full on laugher which made me laugh harder. "I guess we do. It's those red serge uniforms." My mother said which kinda caught me off guard, "Mother! But I mean Gabriel does look good in his uniform." I said before laughing some more. "Its time." Auntie Rose said walking in to see us, I nodded my head before mother and walked outside to the wagon to take us to the church.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Adeline." Jack smiled as he helped me off the wagon, "Thanks big brother." I smiled before our mother walked over, "I'm heading inside, I love you my sweet girl." She said tearing up before hugging me, "I love you too, mama." I smiled before she walked to the side door. "Are you ready?" Jack asked me as we walked closer to the church doors, I knew Jack would always be the one walk me down the aisle. I nodded my head, "Gabriel is a good man and I couldn't be happier for you." Jack smiled just as I heard the music start I took a deep breath and the doors opened and Gabriel and I instantly locked eyes both smiling as soon as we saw each other.

"Gabriel, when we first met I was immediately embarrassed by my brother who said I couldn't find my way around." I said as laughter rubbed it from the crowd which me me chunkle, I smiled at the Mountie in uniform standing in front of me. "I like to think that I'm pretty good at that now. But I knew from the moment I met you I knew that there was something special about you and it didn't take me long before I realized that you were the most patient, funny, kind, humble, honest, sweet, and loving man I've ever met and those things I love about you. You make me laugh when I'm feeling down, your there to support me to follow my dreams, and you make me the happiest woman in this world. I guess you love called us together." I said as a tear slipped my eye, Gabriel looked liked he was about to cry too. "So I promise you that will encourage you to case your dreams, make you laugh when you had a hard day at work, be there to support you in whatever you do, and always love you with all my heart. So heres to now and forever with you my one and only love." I said smiling at Gabriel who was smiling to the point it looked like it hurt but that only made me smile even more.

"Adeline, I remember the moment I saw you, I knew Heaven sent an Angel into my life. I thought you were the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and true be told I was nervous talking to you and I'm a Mountie we don't get nervous easily." Gabriel said which made me laugh along with our friends and family. "But soon I found myself wanting to spend every moment with you that I could. You are the most amazing, easy-going, beautiful, friendly, loving woman I've ever met and I'm so blessed that I get to stand here today and take you as my wife. I promise to make you laugh, love you unconditionally, help you reach your dreams, and always stand with you. I love you Adeline, I always will. "  Gabriel smiled as I started to cry from his vows, I'm so blessed to have him.

"Gabriel you may now kiss your-" Gabriel cut him off by kissing me, we were finally husband and wife. "For the first time I'd like to induced you to Mr. and Mrs Gabriel Kinslow!" Pastor John said smiling happy for us, everyone stood up and clapped for us. Gabriel and I shared a look and just smiled at each other, we couldn't be happier.

"Congratulations!" My mom said hugging me before moving to Gabriel. "Congrats, Adeline." Jack smiled hugging me, "Welcome to the family, Gabriel. I must say I wouldn't want anyone else marrying my sister." Jack said to Gabriel which made him smile. "Congratulations, sweetheart." Uncle Lee said before hugging me, "Thank you, and thank you Auntie Rose for making this day so beautiful for us." I smiled hugging my aunt. "Oh of course dear, anything for my favorite niece." I smiled before she moved on. "I can't believe your married now, seems just like yesterday we were both running around playing as kids." Penny said hugging me, "Time flies. But I couldn't of asked for a better person to grow up with." I smiled telling her which made her smile. "I love you Adeline Kinslow." Gabriel smiled as we danced, "Adeline Kinslow, I like the sound of that. I love you too, Gabriel so much." I smiled and put my head on his chest as we danced celebrating our big day.

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