Chapter 42

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"Summer was in full swing and the warm July sun felt so nice after this cold winter. Timothy is now 2 months old and is happy and healthy, and loved by the whole town. Gabriel is busy work and building our house, he says by late August we'll be moved in. Life couldn't be any better than it is right now."

Timothy was cooing as I pushed his stroller into town, we need groceries and I figured we could stop and see Gabriel for a bit. "Hi Adeline." Lillian said as we saw each other, "Hello, Lillian. How are you? I feel like it's a few days." I said with a chuckle. "I'm good. It has been but you've busy taking care of this perfect little guy." Lillian said looking at Timothy who was wide awake looking at Lillian. "Its Auntie Lillian, Timmy." I smiled at him, Lillian smiled at the title I gave her. "You better not be hogging my baby, Lillian." Gabriel said as he walked up behind us, he took of his hat and gave me a kiss. "I wouldn't dare so such a thing, Constable." Lillian said which made us laugh. "Well I'll see you guys around." Lillian smiled before she walked off. "Come here, mimi me." Gabriel said picking up his son, Timothy really was a spitting image of Gabriel. I took his hat and put it in the stroller and we walked over to his office.

"How as my loves day been going?" Gabriel asked we sat down at his desk, I saw a new picture on his desk which was Timothy and I it made me smile. "Good, we were getting bored at the house so we wanted to see daddy and get groceries." I told him with a smile. "That's good. Why don't you wait to get groceries till I'm off duty and then I can help you." Gabriel told me which would be a lot easier, "Sounds good to me." I smiled. Just then the door opened and it was a Mountie but I recognized him. Gabriel quickly but carefully handled me Timothy. "Sir." Gabriel said "At ease, Kinslow." Superintendent Shepherd told him he looked over at me and smiled which I returned. "Last time I was here you two were engaged and now you're married and have a child. Congratulations, Kinslow." He smiled. "What's his name?" He asked, "Timothy, sir. I'm one lucky man." Gabriel smiled looking over at us which made me smile. "I'll leave you two to talk." I smiled trying to excuse myself. "Hold on Mrs. Kinslow, I think you'll want to hear this." He told me I sat back down.

"It's longer then I would like but I've been busy, but on behalf of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, we would like to gave you Medal of Valor for your brave actions and leadership when you served in the Northern Territories." Superintendent Shepherd said my eyes immediately had tears of joy and pride welling up in them, I couldn't be prouder. Gabriel looked shocked, he was not expecting anything like this he was just doing his job. "We'll have a pinning ceremony tomorrow at noon, Congratulations Constable." Shepherd said shaking his hand, "Mrs. Kinslow." He smiled before walking out the door I immediately went over and hugged him and cried tears of joy.

"Gabriel that's amazing! Congratulations." I smiled proud of the man I call my husband. "I was just doing my job, I don't need a Medal for it." Gabriel said kind of rush which took me back, "Gabriel, you are a hero. What you did up there were the actions of a brave man, you deserve this more then anyone." I told him putting our son back in the stroller. "Then give all the men we lost something. Give something to their families. I don't need a Medal to remind me of everything that happened up there! I already have to live with it!" Gabriel said almost yelling at me, I took a step back in shock of what he did. That wasn't him. Gabriel's yelling startled Timothy and now was fussing. "Don't come home until you decide to be decent. I'm not getting yelled at over a Medal." I said irritated at him before I saw myself out the door.

I sat at the kitchen table waiting for Gabriel to come home. It was well over 9 o'clock and I was getting tried but I wanted to wait up for Gabriel to come home if he was. His outburst was completely unacceptable, I understand that he went through a lot when he fought in the Northern Territories. He saw things nobody should have to see. But I think he deserves this Medal but there was absolutely no reason for him to treat me the way he did. I waited another 10 minutes before I called it a night, hopefully by the morning Gabriel would come around.

I awoke to the sound of Timothy starting to fuss so I got out of bed to tend to his needs. I walked out to the kitchen and there was no sign of Gabriel ever coming home which didn't surprise me much. He needed his time to cool down after his outburst yesterday. Gabriel's pinning would happen soon so I ate breakfast and then got ready for the day. It was a beautiful summer day like the others as I pushed the stroller into town. As soon as I around the corner I saw red serge standing outside of his office drinking a cup of coffee watching the town go about its business. "Good morning, Constable." I said somewhat cold to him as i walked by, I was still upset about everything yesterday. "Adeline, wait." I heard the Constable say but I kept walking, "Adeline, please. I need to talk to you." Gabriel said now following me down the street. "Are you gonna argue with me? Because that was uncalled for." I said as I stop pushing the stroller to face him. "I know it was and I'm sorry. I was upset but I had no right to take it out on you. I feel horrible that I scared Timothy and you. I saw your face when I yelled at you and the last thing I ever wanted was to do that. I'm sorry, please forgive me?" Gabriel asked taking a step closer, "Don't ever do that again. I forgive you." I said smiling softly. "I love you." Gabriel smiled before pulling me into his arms, "I love you too." I smiled before we shared a kiss.

Family and friends gathered out front of Gabriel's office to watch the ceremony, everyone was proud of him. Timothy and I stood right up front and gave a smile to Gabriel. "Constable Kinslow for your actions and bravery you showed when you lead a team of men is not something you come across very often. That is why I present the Medal of Valor." He said taking it out of the small box it was in and pinning it on Gabriel, "Congratulations Kinslow, you deserve it." He told him everyone started clapping for their favorite Mountie, I couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face that deemed with pride. Everyone came up and congratulated him and he told them he was just doing his job he was a selfless person. "Congratulations, Constable." I told him with a smile pushing the stroller closer to him, "Thank you Mrs. Kinslow, you wouldn't happen to know where your husband is would you?" He asked with a smile, "Oh i don't know, he happens to be wearing red serge and looking quite handsome maybe you've seen him." I smiled he just laughed and pulled me into a kiss and everyone started cheering which made us laugh, only our little town.

Gabriel wished his Superintendent well as he was leaving and came back inside to us that were sitting in his office.
"Well it has been exciting day, so much so that your son is out of it." I smiled looking at the sleeping baby in the stroller. "He's not the only one, I wish I could nap." Gabriel said letting out a chuckle. "I'm proud of you, you are such an amazing husband, father, and Mountie. We all are lucky to have you in our lives." I told him, he smiled and came over and hugged me. "Lets dance," he said pulling me close, "There's no music." I said laughing, "So? Just imagine some." Gabriel smiled as we started to dance close in each others arms, I put my head on his chest as we slowly dance around his office with our sleeping baby just a few feet from us, I couldn't help but think of how blessed I was to have this as my life, I was deeply in love with the man of my dreams, we have a baby, living in such an amazing town surrounded by loving friends.

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