Chapter 44

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"Where is my husband, Jack Thornton?" I asked scared for the answer.

"Adeline. Gabriel and I were separated to get a gang member, when he took off we followed him into a old house. As Gabriel and I were approaching it, he opened the window and shot at us and it Gabriel in the side. He's at the infrary now, Maggie is trying her best to get the bullet out. We don't if he'll make it." Jack told me, I walked around a few steps before Jack came over and hugged me. I just started crying and crying I couldn't keep it in, I was trying to strong but I let it out.

"The last time I saw him we got into a argument, we said some things. Oh God. I can't lose him, Jack I can't." I said crying some more hugging onto my big brother.

After a few more minutes I composed myself enough where I could ride into town with Jack, Lillian offered to watch Timothy for a bit. There was a crowd of people outside when we arrived, they all gave me a hug and told me they were praying. I couldn't go in because they were still operating on him, but all of me wanted to. It was getting cold quickly for a summer night, Jack took of his red serge jacket and placed it on me as we sat outside waiting to hear from Maggie, the sweet thought made me smile softly.

"Adeline you should go home, I'll let you know when we hear from them." Jack told me as it was getting quite late. "I'm not leaving, Jack. That's my husband in there, the father of my son. I'm not going anywhere." I told him as more tears were falling from my eyes. It seemed like minutes were hours, and hours were years as I waited worrying about Gabriel. That's when I heard the door open and Maggie walking out, I quickly stopped up and walked over to her. I've never been this anxious.

"Adeline, we got the bullet out but he has lost a lot of blood. I can't tell you he'll make it yet, he needs to get through the next 24 hours first." Maggie told me al, I could do was nodd.

"Can I see him?" I asked needing to see him, she nodded her head.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Ad?" Jack asked me before I opened the door.

"Pray." Is the only thing I could manage to get out. I opened the door and took a deep breath before walking in, there behind a white curtain was Gabriel laying in a bed. There was a chair near by I pulled it over and sat down.

"Gabriel, I don't know if you can hear me or not but I'm sorry," I said starting to cry once again, "I'm sorry about that stupid fight we had. You have to make it through, not just for me but for Timothy. He needs his father, and I need my husband." I said putting my head on his chest, "I love you so much, Gabriel Kinslow." I said closing my eyes and falling asleep.

I woke up to Maggie looking at Gabriel, she had a small smile on her face which gave me hope. "Is he gonna make it, Maggie?" I asked as I ran my hand over his face.

"I'm afraid I still can't say, Adeline. His condition as improved but he needs to wake up, if he doesn't within the next 72 hours...." she paused for a moment.  "Im afraid there's possibility he may never." Maggie told me she could see the tears welling up in my eyes, "He's a fighter, Adeline. We just need to pray." Maggie smiled before leaving closing the curtain behind her.

"We're gonna have a prayer vigil tonight at the church, and pray that Gabriel will pull through." Lillian told me as I held Timothy, I missed him.

"Thank you, praying is the best thing we can do right now." I hold her with soft smile.

"Are you sure you don't want to go get something to eat or get some rest?" Jack asked as he stood behinds Lillian.

"No, I'm okay. I can't leave his side, I promised him on our wedding day I'd always be by his side, no matter what." I told him with a small smile, he nodded his head understanding. "Well we should get going." Lillian smiled, I gave Timothy one more kiss before hanging him back to Lillian.

The night came quick and Gabriel was still unconscious it was hard on me to see him like this, "Gabriel please wake up, please don't leave me, I need you. I can't imagine a world with out you gone. I'd be so lost without you. Wake up please, Gabriel Kinslow." I started to cry, "I love you."

That night I didn't sleep much at all hoping that Gabriel would wake up but soon the sun was coming up after a long night. There was only 24 hours left. Maggie came in and said things were still the same and he needed to wake up within the next 24 hours. Everyone came in to visit and pray with me, some brought food and water which I accepted I was hungry and I knew that Gabriel would want me to still take care of myself. Lillian brought Timothy in once again for a visit but wasn't long though because he was starting to get tired and needed a nap. And just as fast as the sun came up it was gone and now the moon was up.

Maggie opened the door and came in to check on his on more time, I was hoping for some short of change but he was still was the same. She was if I needed anything she would be in the hotel, I nodded before she left. I laid my head on his chest once again and let out a sigh.

"I remember the first time I saw you," I started, "I thought you were very handsome and Jack embarrassed me by telling you I couldn't find my way around." I said crying but somehow I let out a giggle. "And you helped me to our house. I knew when you welcome me here that we would either be best friends or lovers. I'm so glad we choose lovers, cause look at us now, happily married with a son." I smiled wiping my tears away.

"And I thought you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever met. On the day that I met you my whole world came alive." Gabriel said in a raspy voice, I picked my head up to see his eyes were open and looking right at me.

"Gabriel!" I smiled before I kissed him, I pulled away crying. He smiled and wiped them away before pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry for starting an argument over nothing, I knew you didn't do anything." Gabriel said as we hugged, I needed to let everyone know that Gabriel was wake. I stood up and ran to the door I could hear him chuckling as I took off. I ran into the hotel, there I saw Maggie, Jack, Lillian with a sleeping Timothy in her arms, and many more friends.

"Adeline what's going on?" Maggie asked as she saw him I smiled, "Gabriel is wake!" I yelled so everyone could hear they all cheered before I ran back over to see him.

"I love you, Gabriel Kinslow." I smiled, "I love you too, Adeline Kinslow." He smiled back.

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