Chapter 9

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It was spring in Brookfield, and everything was waking up after a long winter nap. It was spring break for the kiddos at school so I had some free time on my own. It was a beautiful day to I decided to spring clean! I hung out my clothes to dry, and was sweeping my front porch. " blizzard, leave the bird alone." I said as now the mostly grown-up cat was stalking the bird. He looked at me and came over for some pets. "You are spoiled rotten." I said picking him up, he mowed in agreement. I heard the sound of what sounded like a horse coming through the woods, just as I saw red moving though the trees a small smile came over my face. I put Blizzard down as Gabriel jumped off his horse. "Good afternoon, Miss Thornton." He smiled walking towards me with the horse following behind him. "Good morning, Gabriel." I said as he came over and give me a kiss. "Blizzard has gotten so big." He said as the calico cat rubbed against my skirt, I looked down with a smile. "He has." I smiled, "Well I came out here to see if you'll join me for lunch" I smiled, "I'd love too." I smiled turning my back and putting the broom away and made sure that Blizzard was inside. I hopped up on the back and grabbed on to Gabriel as we headed off to town to eat at the hotel.

I walked in as Gabriel lead the door open for me, I smiled to say thank you. Grace smiled as she as us walking in and came right over. "Well isn't the two love birds," She said with a little laugh behind it, my I couldn't help but smile same thing for Gabriel. Grace led us to our table, Gabriel being the gentleman that he is pulled my chair out for me. "Thank you." I smiled to him, we ordered our food and talked as we waited for it to come. "So what does your summer look like?" He asked with a smile, "I haven't thought that far ahead just yet." I laughed, "But I'm hoping to have lots of picnics with the man I love." I smiled, as Gabriel held my hand, "I love you, Miss Thornton." He smiled, "I love you too, Mr. Kinslow." I smiled back. Soon our food came and we talked and laughed, Gabriel is such an amazing man. I don't know how I got this lucky. "Excuse me," Jocelyn, the telegram operator said with a paper in her hand. "This is for you Miss Thornton." She said handing it to me, the smile drop off my face. "What's wrong?" Gabriel asked concerned, "It's my grandpa. He's taken ill. My mom is heading to Hamilton tomorrow morning and wants me come with her." I said reading the paper, "Would you like me to respond?" Jocelyn asked, "You have to go." Gabriel said as I looked at him, "Yes. Tell her that I'll be on the next stagecoach leaving Brookfield." I told her. "There's stagecoach leaving at 3, that will get you to Hope Valley by this evening. Let's get you back to you can go." Gabriel said getting up. Gabriel hopped on his horse and than helped me get on, we rode back to my house for me to pack.

"I don't know what to even pack," I said throwing things on my bed and getting my suitcase out from under my bed. "Who's gonna take care of Sergeant and Blizzard?!" I asked putting my things to my suitcase "I'm sure Grace or Lillian wouldn't mind stopping by and taking care of them." Gabriel said behind watching me Throw things into my suitcase, "Could you would it?" I turned around with clothes in my hands, "I was actually hoping to go with you." He smiled, which made me smile, "To make sure that you arrived safely back and fourth." He said, "I would love that." I smiled, "I guess I'm not gonna stop worrying about him till we get there. Every summer since I was 10 I would go Hamilton and be with my grandpa. I have some of the best memories there with him," I smiled, before turning back to packing. "Well I have to pack a bag. I'll be back in 30 minutes to get you." He said pulling me into a hug, I love the feeling when he folds me into his arms and I can let out sigh of relief knowing I'm safe and everything will be okay.

"He should be here any time now," I said running into the barn to fed sergeant before I left. "Hi my boy. I'm off to Hamilton, grandpa is sick and I'm going to take care of him with mom." I said giving him hay and making sure he as water. I ran back and give Blizzard some of this food and give him more water as well, as the door open to see Gabriel's face appear, "Are you all set?" He asked coming in a little more, "I think so." I smiled. "He grabbed my bag and I locked the door behind me. As we started walking towards town Gabriel grabbed my hand to hold it, I smiled to myself. We entered town just as the stagecoach was entering town, we ran laughing to make it there faster. We hive him our bags as we jumped up into the coach. Grace and Lillian apared out of nowhere, "Have a safe trip, you two." Lillian smiled, "Thank you." I smiled back, "Have fun!" Grace said excitedly, "We will." Gabriel said as the stagecoach started to move, we wave goodbye as they did the same. Now the long 5 hour ride to Hope Valley where we catch the train to Hamilton.

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