Chapter 48

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It's been quite the last few months to say the least, I've been busy with school and taking care of my family but I wouldn't change a thing. My pregnancy has gone well so far, I'm now just starting to show and Timothy loves to give kisses to the baby. My brother jack ie getting married this weekend! We're leaving tomorrow. Lillian offered to teach so we could have more time in Hope Valley. Our little town as been growing and getting busier, cars coming in and out of town constantly I worry about the children getting hurt. Gabriel doesn't like it he's afraid that there'll be crash if people aren't being careful. My mom said it's happening in Hope Valley as well, I guess us small town folk don't love the change.

"Built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world, the pyramids—especially the Great Pyramids of Giza—are some of the most magnificent man-made structures in history. Their massive scale reflects the unique role that the pharaoh, or king, played in ancient Egyptian society. Though pyramids were built from the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the close of the Ptolemaic period in the fourth century A.D., the peak of pyramid building began with the late third dynasty and continued until roughly the sixth (c. 2325 B.C.). More than 4,000 years later, the Egyptian pyramids still retain much of their majesty, providing a glimpse into the country’s rich and glorious past." I explained as the class was in awe of the lesson on the pyramids, it's moments like this that make happy to see the look of curiosity on their faces."

"But Mrs. Kinslow who built the pyramids?" Jimmy asked when the door opened it was Gabriel, I smiled at him before answering his question. "That's a great question, Jimmy. The pyramids were built by slaves or foreigners forced into labor, skeletons excavated from the area show that the workers were probably native Egyptian agricultural laborers who worked on the pyramids during the time of year when the Nile River flooded much of the land nearby." I added on answering his question he nodded his head happy with my answer. "I want three groups and I want you to make your own pyramid, but it has to be the mental that the Egyptians would of used. Teamwork is key for this project, you all have till next Wednesday. Class is dismissed, have a great weekend!" I smiled as the kids quickly got up and jetted for the door, I chuckled before turning to clean the blackboard.

"Great lesson as always, Mrs. Kinslow. I sure did marry a wonderful teacher." Gabriel smiled as he took off his hat and walking closer, as I turned around to face him.

"And I married a wonderful man, who is a wonderful Mountie, husband, and father." I smiled as he pulled me into his arms, "Touche." Gabriel smiled before placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled as we pulled apart, I couldn't be happier with my life.

"So what's Constable Kinslow doing in my school?" I asked smiling grabbing some papers and books and putting them in my basket.

"I came to walk you to town, so you could get our son." Gabriel said as he put his hat back on, I smiled and walked over to him and we made our way to the doors and walked to town hand-in-hand.

As we approached the town it was busy with cars coming and going, horses tied up, and people walking around. It truly was a growing town.

"Our little Brookfield is growing quite quickly." I stated to Gabriel as we entered town, he looked at me Gabriel was glad the town was growing but he hated the cars.

"Which is good except the cars." He said looking at me annoyed about it. We were just about to turn the corner when this car came out of nowhere almost hitting us only missing us by a couple of inches. I jumped back and let out a squeal and Gabriel ran off after the car that just had parked.

He pulled him out of the car and pushed him against it getting in his face, the Constable was not happy. I hated seeing Gabriel mad but this time I didn't care being we were almost hit by that car.

"You see that women over there that was with me who you almost hit?!" Gabriel said pointing over to me, now people were starting to watch. The man nodded his head clearly scared by him. "Yeah that's my pregnant wife and I won't  appreciate the fact you almost hit us. You could of hurt her, or worse. You wanna leave my two year son motherless because you weren't paying attention where you were going!" Gabriel yelled at him I looked around the crowd was only growing. "Come on let's go." Gabriel said grabbing him and leading him over to his office to lock him up, I walked over by the stairs of Gabriel's office when I heard my name.

"Adeline! Are you okay?" Maggie said running over to me, I smiled at her kindness. "Yes, I'm fine. That was close though." I told her and she nodded her head, "I saw the whole thing, Gabriel had every right to act that way. " She said as Gabriel came out of his office, "Adeline go get Timothy and then meet me here." I nodded my head with a half smile sensing he was still very mad about the situation.
"If you'll excuse me, Maggie." I smiled before I started my way to the orphanage.

"That's crazy! I'm glad you're okay though, that man poor man. One thing you never do is mess with a Mounties wife." Lillian said shaking her head as I told her what just happened.

I was about to say something when Timothy walked around the corner with rose, "Mommy!" He smiled as he saw me, "Hey sweetheart." I said picking him up and kissing his cheek. "You wanna go see daddy?" I asked knowing he'd be happy to see Gabriel. "Yes." He smiled excited. "Alright, let's go then. Thank you, Lillian." I smiled before walking towards the door.

This time I was extra careful walking into town and we safely made it to Gabriel's office. "Daddy!" Timothy excited said as he saw his father, "Hey little man." Gabriel smiled as he look his son out of my arms. "Are you okay?" Gabriel asked still standing right by me, I smiled nodding my head which seemed to relieve him knowing I was safe and sound. "Baby?" Timothy said pointing to my stomach, "kisses." He added on Gabriel moved him closer to my stomach and Timothy gave the baby a big kiss which made me smile and so wasn't Gabriel.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I should of been paying attention." The man said over in thr jail cell, "I don't want to hear a word out of you." Gabriel said turning to face him he just rolled his eyes and turned back to me.

"How long is he gonna stay in here?" I asked curiously, "Just overnight, just to scare him into paying attention." Gabriel smirked I just chuckled at him. "Alright buddy, daddy's gotta get back to work." Gabriel said with a smile putting Timmy down who came over to me. "I'll be home in a few hours." Gabriel said before kissing me goodbye. "Alright. Love you." I smiled before I grabbed my sons head, "Love you too." Gabriel smiled as he walked over to his desk and Timothy and I went to the door.

"Timothy please don't do that, mommy is trying to finish dinner." I said to my son who was getting into something he shouldn't but that didn't stop him. "Timothy Gabriel Kinslow! I have asked you twice to stop, do you want me to tell daddy that Timmy's not using his listening ears?" He immediately stop what he was doing, "Thank you, Timothy. Now please come here" I told my son who came right over I helped him up in his chair so I could finish dinner which would take about 5 more minutes.

Just as I put the last dish on the table the door opened,  "Daddy!" Timothy excitedly said as he saw his father who had just walked through the door. "Hi Timmy." Gabriel smiled as he saw  his son. "Hey." I smiled to my husband who walked over to me, "Hey." He smiled before giving me a kiss.  "Dinners done, do you wanna get changed fast?" I asked him as I sat down by Timothy. "Nah. I'll change after dinner." Gabriel said as he unbuttoned his red serge jacket and hung it on the back of the chair before sitting down to join us.

"Goodnight my little love bug, have sweet dreams about how much mommy and daddy love you." I smiled at my son who was fast asleep in his bed, it's crazy how fast he's growing starting to talk and see his personality really start to show. I kissed his forehead before getting up and walking towards the door I smiled at him before closing the door.

"Fast asleep?" Gabriel asked closing the book he was reading, "Fast asleep." I smiled before climbing into bed I was exhausted. "I'm so tired. Teaching, casting after Timothy, and being pregnant is a lot." I said before a yawn came over me, "But it's worth every moment." I smiled at Gabriel who pulled me closer to him, "You are a truly amazing woman, Adeline. I love you." Gabriel smiled at me just as I squealed by surprise. "Are you okay?" Gabriel asked worried I quickly grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach and for the first time Gabriel was able to feel his child kick for the first time.

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