Chapter 16

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School was in session it was reading hour at the moment which was good my mind has been else where, I can't stop thinking about Gabriel I needed time to think everything over. That situation that happened scared me, seeing that man point a gun at him it was like I couldn't breathe, like time stopped. I needed to figure out if I actually be with someone like Gabriel, he needed a strong woman behind him and right now I don't know if that's me.

I looked at the time and it was 3 o'clock, it was time to dismiss school for the day. I stood up getting their attention,  "Pick up your reads, please bring me your homework class is dismissed. Enjoy the rest of your day." I smiled, the children did as they were told and brought me their homework for me to grade.

I decided to stay and work on everything here rather then going home to do it, I left the doors opened to let the fresh air in. I had a lot to do, homework to grade, papers I had to get ready for tomorrow.

I let out a sigh and rubbed my eyes I was getting tired from doing all this paper, I looked over at the paino it was like it was calling my name. I got up and walked my way over and sat down, it's been awhile since I played, I smiled remembering playing with my mom she's the one who thought me. I started to play Danny Boy, I never knew my dad but it was his favorite song, it made me feel closer to him in some weird way.

"I didn't know you could play" Grace said walking in which scared me so I stopped. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to settle you." She said with a smile, "Please continue, it's beautiful." I didn't say anything but nodded and continued. "My mom taught me and this was my dad's favorite song." I said after finishing the song.

"You know.. Rose has been asking to learn to play maybe you could teach her." Grace smiled getting an idea. "I'd love too, if of course Lillian doesn't care." I smiled at my friend. "I'll talk to her tonight!" Grace smiled. I gathered the rest of the papers into my basket and headed back to town with Grace.

Grace and I were talking on the boardwalk as I saw Gabriel riding by he must be coming back from his rounds, as he tipped his hat to kids that playing. "You haven't said a word to each other?" Grace asked as I watched him hop off Apollo. "Not a word." I said turning my attention back to her, "You guys are totally meant for each other." Grace smiled, "I don't know, Grace. Do you think I have enough courage to be with someone like him?" I asked her honestly. "Adeline. You are the most brave, intelligent, amazing person I know! Of course you do especially when it comes to someone you love." Grace smiled encouraging me which made me smile I was so lucky to have a friend like her. "Thank you, Grace." I smiled before hugging her. We talked for a few more minutes before parting our ways, I still had quite a bit of work to do before school tomorrow.

"I'm so proud of each and every one of you!" I said handing out their graded homework. "You are all working so hard and it shows it." I smiled at my class. "Now we're gonna  switch things up And start with the reading today!" The class cheered which made me laugh, "Does this mean no math?!" Joel asked excited. "I'm afraid math is still gonna happen, Joel. It's very important to know." I said trying not to chuckle at his question. "Now please open your readers and I'll let you know when reading hour is over." I smiled as I realized it was quite hot. I opened some windows and came to the last one that I was gonna open. It must of been sealed with glue because it wasn't opening, I really wanted this one open too. I took a deep breath and pull with all my strength and finally opened it but it opened all the way and I just wanted it half, I tried to push it down but I couldn't... it broke when I opened it, I looked around realizing it was the one Gabriel fixed already.

"Gabriel did a great job fixing it." I rolled my eyes before walking away back to my desk to get some paperwork done.

That school day went by quickly it was good though I love teaching, it's definitely what I was meant to do. I was cleaning the blackboard when there was footsteps behind me I quickly turned around to see Gabriel walking towards me.

"Constable." I said before returning to cleaning the blackboard. "Adeline." Gabriel said, I didn't understand why he was here. "That window broke again." I told him simply. "I just fixed it, it shouldn't be." Gabriel told me kinda rudely. "Well clearly not. Why are you here, Gabriel?" I said turning back to face him. "I was gonna see if we could talk but I see your too busy so maybe another time." Gabriel said before putting his hand on and walking towards the door, "Too busy? I'm cleaning up from school we've talked plenty of times like this before." I told confused why he said that. "Yeah. But this is different. Why have you been avoiding me?" Gabriel asked, I told him I needed time to figure things out. "Gabriel I told you I need time. I haven't been avoiding you I just need space." I told him which he seemed to disagree with. "We've seen each other in town plenty of times and you won't even look at me. So Adeline, please tell me how that works?! " He said getting upset and rising his voice, which coach me off guard "Please leave." Is all I could get out. Gabriel instantly knew he messed up but he didn't say anything and just left leaving me there watching him walk away.

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