Chapter 40

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"I'll sit with him." My mother smiled before I headed into the store, "Thank you. I shouldn't be long, I'm gonna send this letter to Gabriel and grab some paper." I told my mother who nodded her head before I made my way across the street and into the store.

"Katie... do you have any more construction paper?" I asked her because i wasn't it finding it. "I think your mother cleaned me out, but I'll check." She smiled, "Thank you." I told her before she walked away to look for some. "Oh, Adeline!" Penny said running in which had me worried. "What is it, Penny? Is Timothy okay?" I asked getting more worried because she wouldn't tell me. "You have to come with me, right now." She said grabbing my arm and pulling  me towards the door- "Oh" I let out, " Right now." Penny said opening the door i was still confused and worried why she was doing this till i looked up.

"Oh, my." I let out as I saw dozens of red serge uniforms marching into town. I instantly took of running to look for Gabriel among them. "Gabriel! Gabriel... " I yelled out to him, but nothing i kept moving more into town when i stopped to see a Mountie, "What's going on?" I asked him. "We've secured the Northern Territories. We're heading home, ma'am." He told me which i was happy to hear but until I found Gabriel i wouldnt realx "Have you seen Gabriel Kinslow?" I asked him hoping he would know. "I don't know the name. Sorry." He told me, I continued running around to see if i could find him or if someone knew were he was. "I'm looking for a Gabriel Kinslow? He commanded a squad? Im his wife." I asked another Mountie. "We had a few squads... and we took some losses. But I don't know the name." He told me.

Feeling defeated I walked back to where I came from as more Mounties came through, in between them I looked over at my mother and shrugged my shoulders in tears. Just as I was going to cross the street to get back to my family once again another squadron starting coming into town. I stopped to see if any of them were Gabriel, "Are you looking for someone?" I heard someone say behind me, I instantly turned around crying. "Gabriel." I sobbed as i jumped into his arms. "I'm home. It's over." Gabriel told me as we hugged. After almost 11 months apart we're finally back in each other's arms. As soon as our hug ended he pulled me back in for a kiss, I couldn't be happier. He's home safe and sound.

"Gabriel... I've been hiding something from you for the past 10 months." I told him trying not to smile.  "Oh? What's that?" He asked generally curious. "Close your eyes." I smiled he did as he was told and I lead him across the street where my mother was waiting with Timothy. She smiled before she snuck off, I carefully picked up our sleeping son into my arms and turned to face him. "Okay. Open your eyes." I smiled. He opened his eyes and was in complete shock at the 3 week old baby in my arms. "Surprise." I smiled, "Would you like to hold your son?" I asked smiling, he had tears in his eyes as he nodded his head. "He's perfect, Adeline. I'm a dad." Gabriel smiled still with tears in his eyes. "Sir." A Mountie said walking over to Gabriel. "We're leaving at first light tomorrow and I figured you'd be busy." The Mountie smiled looking at Gabriel who was holding his son, Gabriel smiled at his son before handing him over to me. "Stephen this is my wife, Adeline. And my son." Gabriel smiled introducing Timothy and I, "All Gabriel did was talk about you. I hope to find love like you guys." He said smiling, "It was nice serving with you, sir. Maybe I'll see you around." He said as they shook hands, he tipped his hat at me before walking away.

"I thought he was never gonna go down for his nap." I chuckled sitting down by Gabriel who was sitting on the couch. "He's perfect. We made adorable baby." Gabriel smiled before giving me a kiss, "We did. I hope your not mad at me for not telling you, I just couldn't get myself to tell you over a letter." I explained to him, "No. That was the best surprise I've ever gotten." Gabriel smiled at me, oh how I missed that smile. "The thought of coming home to you and having you there every day, It got me through some... some rough times." Gabriel told me as his smile faded. "How bad was it, Gabriel?" I asked him. "It was what it was." He simply told me, "And what was that?" I asked him "It's over now. But now let's focus on being a family." He said half smiling trying to make me feel better. "That's what I've been waiting for." I smiled as I put my head on his shoulder. "I love you." Gabriel said before kissing my head, "I love you too." I smiled before a yawn came over me.

The rest of the day was spent catching up and enjoying being together once again, just this time around we had Timothy. "I would like to head back to Brookfield tomorrow and get home I miss it there." Gabriel said as we cuddle in my bed, "I would like that, I've been gone for a couple of months." I told him with a smile. "Alright. We'll leave as soon as we can." Gabriel said before yawning. "Goodnight my beautiful wife." Gabriel smiled, "Goodnight, Gabriel."

"Its not going to be the same, not having you here. I'm coming out very soon to see my grandson." Mother said as we hugged, "Please do. And let me know when Jack gets home please." I told her as we pulled apart, "He was a day behind me, I'm sure we'll be here soon." Gabriel smiled as he walked over. "Thank you everything you did up there, Gabriel." My mother smiled at him, "I was just doing my job." Gabriel smiled at Elizabeth, "Are you ready?" Gabriel asked I nodded my head and Gabriel helped me up into the stagecoach before shutting the door, he hopped up on his horse just as it started off. I waved out the window to my mother until I couldn't see her anymore.

"Grace! Lillian! " I waved out the window as I came into town, they were shocked to see me. "Adeline!" They both yelled out as they as me. I carefully got out with Timothy in my arms as the two girls came over. "Adeline." Grace smiled as she saw the sleeping baby it my arms. The stagecoach man put down my bags I thanked him before he left. "Lillian, Grace, meet my son Timothy Gabriel Kinslow." I smiled at my friends. "He's so cute!" Grace said looking over at my son still. "I already see Gabriel in him." Lillian smiled before looking up at me. "Speaking of, how is he? Have you heard from him recently?" Lillian asked unware that he was home. "Why don't you ask him yourself." I smiled at the girls, I chuckled at their confused looks. I turned my head to see Gabriel trotting into town. "He's home." I smiled at my friends who were happy to hear the news. Everyone in town stopped what they were doing as they saw the man in red was back safe and sound. Suddenly there was echoes of applause for him, he looked up confused as to why but everyone was proud of him. I smiled at him as he looked over to me. Everyone was proud of their favorite Mountie but I couldn't be prouder of the man I love.

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