Chapter 14

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"It's been almost two weeks since I told Gabriel that I needed a Break, and it hasn't been easy. I see him walking almost everyday around his office and I often wonder what he's up too. Today is the first day of school, and I'm very excited to get back to work. I have one new kiddo to added to the small bunch of kids I teach, it is also Lillian and Grace's newest addition to the orphanage, a boy 11 years old he lost his family to a fire. I can't imagine what he felt like to lose your family like that." I closed by journal and moved to the door to ring the bell, soon the kids came running over, "Good morning, Miss Thornton" everyone said as they ran by to take their seats, "Good morning, Adeline!" Grace said walking up with her kids, "Good morning." I smiled back at my friend, "Adeline this is Jimmy, Jimmy this is Miss Thornton." Grace said as I smiled, "Nice to met you, Jimmy." I told him reaching out my hand, he just looked at me and walked by, "He's still settling in. I'm sure he'll come around." Grace smile at me, "I'm sure." I smiled reassuring her. I looked up in the distance to see Gabriel riding by probably on Mountie business. "You guys still haven't said a word to each other?" Grace asked as she watched with me, "Not a word. Now if you'll excuse me, I have school to start!" I said happily, "Have a good first day back!" Grace said as I walked up to the door, "Thank you." I smiled walking in and shutting the door behind me.

"Good morning, class." I said up front of the school house, "Good morning, Miss Thornton." Everyone said back, "Now if you haven't already met him, Jimmy said our new friend." I said, everyone welcome him. I asked everyone how they summer was and everyone said it was a lot of fun.

"Now, can anyone tell me about the War of 1812?" Adeline asked her students, Rose raised her hand "What do you think, Rose?" Adeline asked, "The conflict between the United Starts and the United Kingdom." Rose smiled, "Yes, that's right. Good job." Adeline smiled, "The War of 1812 was a conflict fought between the United States and the United Kingdom, with their respective allies, from June 1812 to February 1815. Historians in Britain often see it as a minor theatre of the Napoleonic Wars; historians in the United States and Canada see it as a war in its own right." Adeline told her class, "On June 1, 1812, President James Madison sent a message to Congress recounting American grievances against Great Britain, though not specifically calling for a declaration of war. The House of Representatives then deliberated for four days behind closed doors before voting 79 to 49 (61%) in favor of the first declaration of war. The Senate concurred in the declaration by a 19 to 13 (59%) vote in favour. The conflict began formally on June 18, 1812, when Madison signed the measure into law and proclaimed it the next day.[12] This was the first time that the United States had declared war on another nation, and the Congressional vote was the closest vote in American history to formally declare war." She added. She continued to talk about the war for a few minutes before assigning homework. "Now I want you to pick a partner and learn more about it, and on than write an essay. The paper will be due on Wednesday." Adeline told her class, "Time for recess!" Adeline said happily all she students run over to the door she give out a small laugh.

Soon the school day was over and she clenching up after the school day. She grabbed her books and headed off to the town for some groceries. "Hello, Joe." Adeline said walking in, "Hello, Adeline." He said welcoming her into his store. She grabbed everything she needed such as some chicken, beef, and some fruit and vegetables. And maybe some sweets. "Thank you." Adeline smiled as she walked out the door as she ran into someone, "I'm sorry, probably should pay more attention to where I'm going." Adeline said as she looked to see the person she ran into, "Nah, it's my fault." The man said, "I'm Matthew King." He said introducing himself, "Adeline Thornton." I smiled, "It's nice to met you." Mat said to her, "I'm new around here, is there anyway you could show me around?" He asked, "Sure. Would tomorrow afternoon be okay?" I asked him, "Works for me." Mat smiled at me again, "I'll meet you in town at 3?" I asked, "See you at 3" He said, we said our goodbyes and I walked off. "Who was that?" Grace asked walking up behind me, "Thats Matthew King, he says he knew around here." I smiled telling her, "He looks like a nice guy," Grace told her, "Yeah, I'm showing him around tomorrow." I added, "Oh, that's should be fun!" Grace told me, I nodded my head, "Anyways, Lillian wanted me to see if you wanted to come to dinner tonight," Grace said smiling, "I would love too!" I told her, "Yay! Be there at 4." Grace said before walking off, I smiled at myself before looking up to see Gabriel we locked eyes for a few seconds before I walked off.

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