Chapter 19

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"Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love, and a time to reflect on the things that matter most in life."
Author Unknown

It's that time of year again, the leaves are falling the warm summer sun is fading away and the cold November air as settled in. But there are many things to be grateful for, wonderful friends, a wonderful man, and wonderful family and I couldn't be more grateful for each and every  one of them.

"Thanksgiving is in three days. What are things we have gratitude for?" I asked my classroom. "Miss Thornton what's does that mean?" One of the children asked which made me smile.

"It's about focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, and family." I explained to the class. "I'm grateful for my dog!" A child said out loud, "I'm grateful for my sister!" Another child said with a smile. "Those are all wonderful things to be grateful for." I told the children with a small smile. "Now for your homework I want you all to think of what your most grateful for and write a one page essay. Its Due on Wednesday before we end school for Thanksgiving." I told them before looking at the clock. "But right now it's time for recess!" I smiled as the kids jumped up and headed for their jackets.

"Do you think it'll snow soon Miss Thornton?" Jimmy asked as I watch the children run around to get their energy out. "I don't know Jimmy, it's definitely feeling like it could snow." I said looking over to see two children fighting over a ball. "Paul and Cody are we sharing the ball?" I asked which immediately made them stop arguing over it. "Thank you boys!" I smiled at them before looking up to see red trotting towards the school. "It's Mountie Gabriel!" Some of the boys yelled and ran off to see him it made me chunkle at the boys. I watched as I saw him talking to the kids he was so great with them it made me smile.

"Looks like you've got yourself a fan club." I chuckled as Gabriel walked over, "I guess I do." Gabriel chunkled. "What can I do for you Constable?" I smiled at the man standing in front of me. "I came to see the teacher before i went on my rounds. Though it seems like I can't find her, maybe you've see her around?" Gabriel asked taking a step closer pulling me, "Gee I don't think I have. But if I see her ill let her know that this really handsome man is looking for her." I smiled before Gabriel leaded in closer to kiss me but, "Miss Thornton! Paul just hit me!" I let out a small sigh, "Duty calls." I said to Gabriel who chunkled. "Boys!" I said walking over as they were starting to fight again.

There was a knock in the door it was Thanksgiving day and the only person who I asked to be here was Gabriel and he was already here. "Who's that?" Gabriel asked looking over at me confused, "Your guess is as good as mine." I told him wiping my hands before heading over to the door.

"Surprise!" And I was definitely surprised as my mother, Jack, and women stood in front of me.  "You guys what a wonderful surprise!" I said opening the door for them to come in, my mother and i hugged, Jack and I hugged. "Adeline I would like you to meet, Hannah." Jack smiled at he looked at her I instantly knew they were happily together. "It's nice to meet you." I smiled before we shared a hug, I looked over to see Gabriel and my mom talking. "Hannah is this Gabriel Kinslow, he's the towns Mountie." I smiled as he put his arm around my side and gave me a kiss on the side of my head which made me smile.  "Nice to meet you." Gabriel said as they shook hands. "You as well." Hannah smiled, this was definitely a Thanksgiving we'd always remember. Hannah, my mother, and I were busy finishing up the big Thanksgiving meal as the two man talked and were having fun. It made me happy that everyone loved Gabriel so much, I was truly blessed with amazing people who love me.

"Mom I think you should say grace this year." Jack said as we all sat around my table, "I agree!" I smiled at Jack who came up with the idea. "Alright." My mom smiled before we all closed our eyes, "Dear heavenly father, thank you for everything you have given us is year. I'm so thankful for my children, and the ones they love. For the children Adeline and I get to teach, that we're able to have effect on their life. And most importantly that we're all able to spend this Thanksgiving. In Jesus name, amen." My mom prayed with made me smile. William Wordsworth said, "All that we behold is full of blessing."  And that couldn't be more true then right now.

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