Chapter 5

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It's been about two weeks since Gabriel left, I guess it took longer than he expected it to go... whatever he was doing. It was a beautiful fall day and it was probably the last one that we're going to have, so I decided to take advantage of it. I grabbed my laundry basket and headed outside for the clothesline. I put the basket on the ground and grabbed one by one as I sung my dads favorite song..

"Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side.
The summer's gone, and all the roses falling,
It's you, it's you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow,
It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow,
Oh, Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so"

"That was the most beautiful voice I've ever heard." I heard what sounded like Gabriel behind me, I turned around to see him standing at the corner of the house, I smiled when I saw him there. "Thank you." I smiled at him, "Did you know that is my favorite song?" He asked, "It was my dads favorite too." I told him. "How long have you been back for?" I asked as he walked over to me, "I just got back, I haven't even been to town yet." He told me, "I wanted to come and see you... t-to a see if you are still good for our date" He said trying to get the words out, I chuckled a little bit at him. "Date?" I asked, "It doesn't have too be, it can be two good friends hav-" I cut him off, "Gabriel. It's a date." I smiled which made him smile. "How does this afternoon work? Around 2?" He asked, "That would be perfect." I smiled, "Can we meet up at my office in town?" He asked, "Sure, if I can bring dessert." I told him, "Sure. See you in a few hours," he smiled, "See you in a few." I smiled, he walked around the corner and hopped on his horse and took off towards town. I finished hanging out my laundry and quickly made some of my famous cookies for our date. I was excited and nervous, Gabriel and I were such good friends I didn't want to ruin that. I got dressed into a nicer dress and fixed my hair and put my favorite necklace on.

"We have a big day ahead of us, Sergeant." I said happily and I put his saddle on, than but his bridal on. I put the cookies in my saddlebag and made sure that they wouldn't fall out at all, I hopped up on him and started to town. After the ride to town I jumped off sergeant outside the Mounties office. I give a pat to sergeant before walking to his door. I looked through the door of his office and he and Lillian were having an argument, "She's the most amazing girl I've ever met, Lillian!" He yelled, "Are you sure your just not using her to get back at me?" She yelled back, "Absolutely not! I've been over you for a long time!" He yelled back at Lillian. "Adeline and I are good friends and I don't want you guys to do this!" Lillian yelled back at him. Tears started to full my eyes, with hurt and disappointment. "Gabriel.. I still love you" she told him, "Lillian-" Gabriel started but I hit the door with my foot which made him look up to see my face with tears running down them. "Adeline!" He yelled, "Wait!" I ran to sergeant and hopped on him as he came out, "Adeline!" He said trying to stop me, "Grace told me about you and Lillian... I think it's better off if we just stay friends." I said untying sergeant from the hitching post I quickly jumped on going into a full gallop from town.

3 person view....

"Just great!" Gabriel said upset, he was looking forward to this. "Gabriel..." Lillian said behide him, "What Lillian?!" He said upset, "Do you love her?" She asked him, "I do." He answered her, "Than go after her..." she told him. he didn't hesitate to run over to his horse and go after her, she was the one he wanted to be with forever. A tear ran down Lillians face as she watched him go after Adeline, she knew how he felt about her and there was no stopping what could be true love.

Adeline stopped about 3 miles outside of town because she didn't want to push sergeant anymore than she already had. She tried to collect herself from what was going on, after all she loves somebody she's only known for a couple of months. A few minutes later she heard a horse coming her way she looked over to see Gabriel a mile away. "Great." She told herself, "Could this day get any better." She added, "Adeline" Gabriel said jumping off his horse and coming right over to her, she tried to get up to get sergeant but he stopped her, "Adeline, Just let me talk for a minute" he told her, "What's there to talk about?" She asked, "I have no idea what came over Lillian, I've been over her for a long time." He told her, "It didn't look like that." She told him, "You're the only person I can see myself with, the only person who makes me happy, the only person that I went to come home too for the rest of my life." He told her, she looked up at him, he smiled at her. "Gabriel..." she said looking into his eyes, "Please give me a chance.." he asked, "I don't know, I just don't went my heart-" She was cut off by Gabriel who came in and kissed her, it cout her off gard but she kissed him back...

Adeline POV...

That moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy... And the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that, that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of you're life. And for one moment you get this amazing gift, you wanna laugh and you wanna cry because you feel so lucky that you found it. "Let's start over." He smiled, I nodded my head an response, "Hello there, I'm Gabriel Kingston." He smiled, "It's nice to met you, I'm Adeline Thornton the towns new school teacher." I smiled. We rode up to this land and had our picnic, it was wonderful.

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