Chapter 4

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"Did Wen Anyu take the initiative to admit his mistake?" Mother Wu asked casually as she looked at her two sons who returned late.

    Wu Shengu's face was originally not good-looking, but now he became more irritable, and just returned to the room without saying a word. Wu Weiling said vaguely: "Come on."

    "Is it soon?" Mother Wu frowned and said: "What does it mean, it's too soon, he probably wants to be angry for a few more days, the children have no ability, why are there so many things. You honestly, What did Wen Anyu say in the company at night, why did your brother look like that just now?"

    Wu Weiling said dryly: "What's wrong with my brother's expression, hasn't he always been like this.He held his breath, thinking that even if Wen Anyu was hard-hearted tonight, he might come to Big Brother crying again in a few days. If that's the case, then there's no need to talk too much to Mother Wu, he fooled: "Wen Anyu I didn't say anything, anyway, don't worry, there's no need, the two of them will definitely be reconciled in a few days."

    Only then did Mother Wu feel relieved: "That is, your brother is still in trouble and doesn't want to accept the apology."

    Wu Weiling nodded stiffly: "Almost."

    Mother Wu said bitterly: "When your eldest brother brought him to our house, when I saw him, I felt that he would not be able to do anything. Your eldest brother would not listen to me, so now you are pissed off by yourself? What else can I say, tell your eldest brother to hang him for a few more days, don't forgive me easily!"

    Wu Weiling heard one and two big, and didn't want to stay in the living room for a moment.

    "Mom, I have to go to work tomorrow, so let's go to bed first!" .Without waiting for Wu's mother's reaction, he ran upstairs, leaving Wu's mother alone in the living room scolding.

    In the corridor on the second floor, Wu Shengu's door was closed, and Wu Weiling didn't care, and ran straight to his room. After washing up and lying on the bed, he was shocked as soon as he opened WeChat, and he called him several times, saying that he would call him back immediately when he saw it.

    He did as he was told and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, what happened?!"

    The small voice on the other end of the phone trembled and said excitedly, "Is your eldest brother also coming to the unicorn exhibition?"

    Wu Weiling suddenly sat up from the bed: "Yes, did you see him?"

    Fa Xiao was even more excited: "I saw something very similar, that person is wearing a hat, I'm not sure if it is..He was drawn to the stage to play a game. The host asked him what the level of "Backstab" was. He said that he was in the top 100 in the full server competition. Now our entire exhibition hall is stupid. Backstab is such a popular game, What is the concept of the top 100 in the world? His tractor alone can take away the garbage in our entire exhibition hall. Brother, I beg you, can you introduce me to him, I want to get closer to the great God! "

    "Wait, what the hell." Wu Weiling looked stunned: "You have recognized the wrong person, Wen Anyu can't play games."

    He let out an "ah" in disappointment, but didn't give up and said, "But that man and Wen Anyu look very similar. If it wasn't for the fact that we couldn't take pictures in the exhibition hall, I would definitely take them for you."

    Wu Weiling rolled his eyes, didn't even want to say anything, just hung up the phone. He flipped out Wen Anyu's WeChat again and typed 'are you still angry' in the input box.

.Before sending it out, he secretly frowned.

    Delete it and re-enter 'Why didn't you come to pick up my brother today'.

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