Chapter 12

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Early in the morning, in the surprised eyes of the Wen's Group employees, Wu Weiling's things left at the Wen's front desk were dragged away by the goods, leaving no trace of his existence.

    This incident naturally caused a high degree of discussion within the company, and the employees who came and went today were talking about it with incredible expressions.

    Even the alma mater forum was shaken.

    [Why did the school grass chase the school bully post again? It's not the start of the school season. I can't believe that there are still old students who haven't read that post. It's too out... 】

    "Lord, you are out."

    "As long as you click in and take a look, you won't post such a mindless post."

    "So what's the matter? That post is too long to read to the end, so I'll be a class representative."


    "The class representative is here! . My Japanese mother is still in shock to this day. I often broke the news that the 'Fudge' who had been quarreling with the school's school bully in Wen's, broke the news again today. I thought it was the school's cursing apology after the quarrel again, but it wasn't! Wen Anyu was just right this time, he directly fired Wu Shengu's younger brother! "

    "What?!! How is that possible?!"

    "It's good to be fired! The handsome guy should be the only beauty. I felt so sorry for him when I read that post before. It's too humble to fall in love with a person. To be bullied by a scumbag is also bullied by the scumbag's family."

    "If you say this upstairs in the game forum, you will be dead... There is a consensus that Wen Anyu is not worthy of Wu Shengu, although I also think that this wave of school grasses has finally stood up, but I always He will regret it later, maybe too many times (covering his face)"

."Wen's family is in the most shortage of people now, and the whole family is inseparable from Wu Shengu. How dare Wen Anyu do this? If Wu Shengu resigned in a fit of anger, he wouldn't be dumbfounded."

    "What else could it be, the top 100 game competition. The school grass itself is also a beautiful waste. I won't say anything if I don't understand other aspects, but in terms of games, apart from hooking up with a Wu Shengu, he is really for the Wen family. No contribution. This time, it is estimated that I want to use this to coerce Wu Shengu to help him make game bugs, and I didn't really want to fire his younger brother. In the end, Wu Shengu was even stronger than him, so he just didn't help, just mess around with him, anyway, Wen Anyu finally I must have to go and bring my brother back by myself hhhhh"

    "Speaking of which, I, who don't play games, are looking forward to the live broadcast of the Hundred Contest. Hahaha, I have never seen such a scene of school grass making a fool of myself."

    "What are you looking at during working hours?"

.Just as a certain staff member looked up, a low voice suddenly came from beside him.

    The clerk looked up and saw Wu Shengu, shivering with fright, and before he had time to defend his phone, he was taken over.

    After reading the content of the post from top to bottom, Wu Shengu frowned more and more tightly.

    Is there a problem with the Dark Rain game?

    Why even strangers on the Internet knew about it, but Anyu didn't mention it to him.

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