Chapter 43

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Outside the Fasina dinner, reporters were anxiously pulling their raincoats. Many people were soaking wet, and they did not forget to cover the machine with raincoats conscientiously.

    Heavy rain, dark clouds cover the moon.

    The crowd shivered coldly.

    "Director Yang, why don't you go back, there will be no news tonight." The reporter from the enemy station advised: "It's raining so hard that it will definitely be impossible for people to get wet. We live close by, or call a car. car, carpool back together?"

    Director Yang concentrated on adjusting the machine: "If you can't get wet, go first."

    The reporter from the enemy station was anxious: "It's not that I can't stand it, what I'm worried about is that we suffer and suffer so much. In the end, only a group of people appeared in the rain curtain. It's really not worth it!"

    Director Yang still said the same sentence: "If you think it's not worth it, go first."

    "A kind heart is like a donkey's liver and lungs." . Even if the enemy reporter knew that Director Yang had an odd temper, he couldn't bear his dissatisfaction at this time.

    He gave the Director Yang a ruthless look, and he sneered and said, "Then you can keep it here. I'll have a look tomorrow to see what big news you've made."

    After that, he greeted several reporters in the TV station, stopped a car and left.

    Director Yang still had the best viewing angle, and aimed the camera at the door of Fasina's dinner floor. The interns gathered around with umbrellas, concentrating on checking the question form and personnel information.

    However, as in the previous few hours, the camera is still empty and dark.

    One after another, sporadic reporters left.

    Director Yang still didn't move, and the interns got used to his character and just waited obediently.

.After an unknown amount of time passed, there was a sudden 'bang' sound on the floor, and the sensor light at the door on the first floor came on.

    Wow—all of a sudden, it was as if someone had thrown a huge stone into the calm lake. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the reporters became restless and gathered towards the gate carrying the machines.

    "It's Quan Shangbao's twin young masters who are fighting for family property! Quick, quick, their information is listed in the first alphabetical order of Q, the latter position, quickly turn over!"

    "The chairman of Ruideng Group has also come out. His question is about the heavy blow he suffered after the group went public. Don't go over the small book and ask directly."

    "There is another person behind, let's see who it is!"

    Many reporters prepared a lot of materials for this day, and there were many Internet celebrities under the steps who opened live broadcasts and squeezed into the circle of reporters with all their might.

.However, everyone's expectations were in vain.

    Li Huaqiang has hosted many Fasina charity auction dinners. Naturally, he is aware of the chaotic order after the dinner, and has already deployed reasonable countermeasures.

    There were more than a dozen strong bodyguards in black suits, surrounding the guests attending the dinner. Under their escort, the reporters could only watch from a distance of two meters, unable to stop anyone.

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