Chapter 18

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Wu Shengu stayed up all night for several nights, and finally fixed the "Listening to the Rain" bug two days before the 100 competition.

With a sense of accomplishment, he packed the file, opened the mailbox and prepared to send it to Wen Anyu.

The dark rain must be very happy to see it.

He thought so in his heart, and his eyebrows did not consciously bring joy, and there was a rare smile on his face these days.

At this time, Mother Wu suddenly hurried upstairs with her mobile phone, and ran into his room without knocking on the door.

"It's your dad's call."

Wu Shengu was at a loss: "You take it."

Wu's mother didn't dare to answer, so she gave him the phone: "You answer."

Wu Shengu was helpless and answered the phone.

Father Wu's tired voice came: "Lawyer Zhang said that your mother was involved in a lawsuit. He said it was a secret. How did it happen? Who sued your mother?"

.It was only when Wu Shengu remembered this that he smiled: "It's okay Dad, some small misunderstandings are already being resolved. Don't worry, this lawsuit will definitely not be fought."

"That's good." Father Wu nodded: "I will encounter some problems in my research here, and I may have to delay going home for a week. I can't go to see you and Xiaowen's 100 competition, both of you play well."

Wu Shengu responded with a smile: "Okay, I'll tell Anyu for you."

Father Wu asked again, "By the way, has Xiao Wen encountered any difficulties recently?"

"No." Wu Shengu glanced at Mother Wen next to him, and said with a slightly unnatural look, "What's wrong?"

Father Wu said worriedly: "I called him yesterday, but he didn't answer. I sent him a message and he didn't reply. What's wrong with this kid? You didn't bully him at home, right?"

"He's all right, maybe he's busy with the Hundreds of Games and doesn't have time to look at his phone." . The expression on Wu Shengu's face was even more unnatural, he said a few words in a hurry, and then hung up the phone quickly.

Mother Wu glared at the side: "This is to say that everything is fine? Didn't you see that the house was in a mess? It's a resignation and a lawsuit. When your dad comes back, I'll see how you tell him."

Her voice was so loud that it attracted Wu Weiling, who was playing games in the room, and he was also full of resentment: "It wasn't the two of you who did it. Dad's health is not good. If he knew that Wen Anyu was run away by you, he said I might be pissed off."

Mother Wu was angrily: "What's the matter with me? He wasn't angry at the beginning because of the gifts, and besides, these gifts were not all forcibly pushed to me. I pushed them the first few times, isn't it impossible to push them? It's better now, You all blame me one by one."

Wu Weiling frowned, upset by the noise.

"Stop talking about that, now is not the time to shirk responsibility. . . Fortunately, Dad came back a week late this time. I promise you that before he comes back, the resignation and the lawsuit can be resolved. Don't worry about this. "

"That's what you said." Mother Wu obviously trusts the eldest son very much, and when she hears him say this, her always hanging heart finally falls. On the contrary, Wu Weiling frowned and said suspiciously, "You solve it? How can you solve this?"

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