Chapter 29

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As soon as Wen Anyu hung up the phone, he saw someone trotting over with an umbrella not far away. As soon as he saw that person, his face suddenly turned a lot colder: "Why are you so haunted?"

    Wu Weiling's face turned pale.

    These were the words he had just scolded Xu Rong, one thing fell into another, and Wen Anyu scolded him again.

    Now that he is in front of Wen Anyu, he always feels his head bowed, and he speaks cautiously: "I went to the company and your house, but I didn't find you. You blocked me on WeChat, so I thought about coming here to try my luck. , I didn't expect you to be here."

    Wen Anyu didn't want to talk nonsense with him: "What's the matter with me?"

    Wu Weiling felt a little uncomfortable: "Can't I find you if I have nothing to do?"

    Wen Anyu looked at him coldly: "No."

.Wu Weiling's heart tightened. He might have gotten angry immediately when he encountered such a situation before. But now, he just shrank his head and said, "Are you looking for unicorns to work with? Give it up, how many companies are looking for unicorns these days, not to mention that their studios have not disclosed that they want to do business in China. The willingness to develop, just speaking for their studio, Wen is not the first choice for cooperation."

    Wen Anyu frowned: "What does this have to do with you? You have already been fired."

    Wu Weiling was choked by the words.

    It was the first time he took a serious look at the person in front of him, and his appearance was naturally as good-looking as before, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Wen Anyu seemed to be a different person.

    It became that he didn't even know him.

    Wu Weiling felt even more uncomfortable. He always felt that something was leaving him, and he couldn't catch it.

.Confused in his heart, he slowed down his voice and said, "Aren't you curious about how my elder brother is doing now?"

    Wen Anyu said expressionlessly, "I'm not interested."

    Wu Weiling froze all over, forced a smile and said, "Then what about my dad, my dad doesn't know these things yet, he even called to ask about you yesterday. And I haven't been fired, and the resignation report is still in your dad's hands. "


    "Big brother forwarded the resignation report to your father before, and it was temporarily detained there. You, do you still care about me, cough, I mean..."

    Wen Anyu was too lazy to listen to what happened next, he secretly frowned, and didn't know about it until now.

    Wu Shengu actually forwarded the resignation report to Wen's father, which is also due to his ability to do such a thing.

.This is like a fight with a child, but it is too shameless to go to the teacher and report it to the teacher.

    Wen Anyu didn't want to stay for a second, so he took big steps and walked out in the rain, heading straight to the parking lot.

    Wu Weiling was stunned for a moment, hurriedly chased after him, and carefully held an umbrella for him.


    When Lan Shuanghe went downstairs, he saw the backs of the two walking side by side, and he took a step.

    His expression changed and he stopped under the rain eaves.

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