Chapter 42

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Wen Anyu never dreamed that Lanshuanghe would do this.

    He tugged at Lan Shuanghe's clothes anxiously, leaned into his ear and said worriedly, "Wu Shengu has a good drink."

    "It's okay." Lan Shuanghe's expression did not change.

    Wen Anyu wondered, did the original book mention the amount of alcohol in Lanshuanghe? It seems to have.

    He hurriedly closed his eyes and flipped through the original book, but now his brain was dizzy, and he couldn't even understand what the original book was talking about.

    When he became more and more anxious, Lan Shuanghe put his arms around his waist and helped him to his side, "Hold on to me."

    Wen Anyu could barely stand still, but he still unconsciously reached out and grabbed Lan Shuanghe's clothes. When he reacted, half of his body was already leaning up.


.The businessmen under the stage gathered, these are the people who have a good face outside, but at the Fasina dinner, they were unconstrained like a wild horse.

    When the water table was brought up, many people had already let go of their joy, raised their arms and tapped the table top, making a loud 'bang bang bang' sound, which was as spectacular as beating a drum.

    There was a lot of people in the hall, and Wu Shengu couldn't hear what the two people on the opposite side were saying, but this didn't prevent him from seeing a huge fire in his heart when he saw the two being close to each other.

    "You can drink for him." Wu Shengu called the waiter, looked at the Lanshuang River hostilely, and said, "But according to the rules, the amount of alcohol must be quadrupled."

    Four times? ! There was an uproar in the audience.

    - Does this really not kill people? !

.Wen Anyu anxiously wanted to step forward, but she refused to accept it and asked, "What rule says it's quadrupled, how come I've never heard of this rule?"

    Wu Shengu said, "My new rules."

    Wen Anyu: "..."

    Wu Shengu turned to look at Lanshuang River, his eyes were full of provocation, "Come?"

    Wen Anyu tugged at Lan Shuanghe's sleeve, wanting to speak but didn't know what to say. Lan Shuanghe didn't hesitate, picked up a glass of wine and drank it with a flat voice.


    "!!!" The cheers from the audience increased sharply.

    The waiter brought up dozens of boxes of wine, and added three rows of glasses to the running water table, filling them with wine one by one.

    Buying wine at Chang'an Mo, once the building is a hundred feet high.

    The Fasina dinner was an unprecedented event.


.Under the hot search entry #FasinaCharity Dinner#, the id 'Fairy's Trumpet' spoke again, and the number of likes soared.

    [Fuck... I've been drinking crazy here, I feel that Uncle Jc can directly take out orz in one pot]

    "?what's the situation?!"

    "If I have money, I must find a blogger who can tell the whole story, instead of being ambiguous..."

    "Is the blogger still there? What's the matter? Why did you get into a fight all of a sudden and then went crazy again?"

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