Chapter 40

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In the evening, Ding Jiao logged on Weibo as usual. He was just going to take a look at it every day. After reading it, he was ready to go to bed.

    However, seeing this, he was completely shocked.

    How can there be so many people at him?

    During the day, the clarification Weibo he posted was retweeted by 40,000 to 50,000 people, and the number of likes had exceeded 200,000.

    Even fans have grown by tens of thousands.

    He went in and looked at it blankly. There was a hahaha under the Weibo, and he couldn't see a normal conversation.

    After scrolling down for a long time, I finally found a comment with content: "Clarification during the day, slap in the face at night, Ding Jiao, I have already cut out three rooms and one living room for your toes hahahaha..."

    "What?" Ding Jiao was even more at a loss.

.After exiting Weibo, there was a real-time hot search [Lanshuang River Valley Rain Video]. Ding Jiao watched this hot search and finally couldn't help but click on the video.

    After watching the entire video, he seemed to be surrounded by question marks.


    Ding Jiao's first reaction was to call Cao Lan, and his voice was phony, "What's the situation with that video?"

    Cao Lan: "What video?"

    Ding Jiao: "It's the one on the Internet! I took the teacher's special boyfriend's power and grabbed Caiyu away, and Wu Shengu just stood there and watched!"

    "I've been working at night and didn't look at my phone. Wait, I'll watch the video." After two minutes, Cao Lan gloated: "Look, I said it before, you don't believe it."

    Ding Jiao cracked: "How could I believe it?!"

.When I opened Weibo again, Ding Jiao finally knew what everyone was doing hahaha.

    He clicked into the entry and glanced at it again. Because the video was very short and there was no cause and effect, various speculations emerged one after another on the Internet, and netizens were arguing endlessly.

    "Wu Shengu must have regretted it, he is saving it."

    "Impossible! Can people outside your circle just talk nonsense after eating rotten melons? Anyone who has been in the game circle for more than a month should know how conceited Wu Shengu is. He even gave Wen Anyu the most difficult time. Wen Anyu is unwilling to help without naming her name, let alone saving it!"

    "I'm not curious about Wu Shengu and Wen Anyu, I'm just curious about why Lan Shuanghe did that! He never cares about the gossip of people he doesn't know well, but he actually cares about it this time?"

."Wen Anyu and him can't be considered unfamiliar. They have both broadcast live together, and they have a lot of business contacts. They are each other's bosses, and they will definitely help when they meet."

    "The evaluation of Lanshuanghe has always been very high in the industry. Many people say that he has a good character. It is estimated that this time is also due to his character."

    Disputes come and go, and people with different opinions can't convince the other at all.

    There are even people who say madly: "Wu Shengu is not trying to save, but just wants to discuss a property dispute. I still think that as long as he speaks to save, Wen Anyu will turn back. experience.”

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