Chapter 38

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With such a big commotion, many Lanshuanghe iron fans quickly learned that one or two were quite excited.

    ——My God, how many years has Lan Shuanghe been single? !

    As mother fans, girlfriend fans, clay sculpture fans and other fans, they have been distressed and anxious since watching Lan Shuanghe live alone over the years.

    In the early years, they had some precautions. When they saw someone approaching with bad intentions, they privately speculated whether that person wanted to seduce the teacher.

    Later, people found sadly that they had absolutely no need to take precautions!

    There is simply no one who can approach the teacher's body... Lan Shuanghe himself is an emotional insulator, and his life is so monotonous that many people even suspect that he may be born without love.

    "Our fans have only one request for his object." .The tone of the girlfriend's phone call sounded bitter, "Alive, as long as that person is alive."

    "..." Cao Lan was shocked by this request, and said speechlessly: "Nonsense, or else can it be dead?"

    The best friend was even more sad and angry: "Maybe the person he likes is dead, or why there is nothing in these years. You work beside him, you really don't see any women around him, man, man Yes!"

    The figure of Wen Anyu appeared out of time in Cao Lan's mind, and she said bluntly, "I really don't."

    "Does Teacher Lan have any dead Bai Yueguang?"

    "...Probably not, but even if there are members of ours, I can't see that Teacher Lan won't tell us about his private affairs."

    The girlfriend sighed and said, "Have you watched the video I just forwarded to you? . I feel that the person in the video is a bit like Teacher Lan, take a look. "

    Cao Lan clicked into the video according to his words. The video was only a few seconds long, and Cao Lan finished it immediately.

    She couldn't react a bit, so she went in blankly, and re-watched it several times.

    The girlfriend urged and asked, "Is the person walking with Caiyu Teacher Lan?"

    Cao Lan nodded confidently. After working together for so many years, she was all too familiar with Lan Shuanghe's figure. Remembering that the girlfriend on the other end of the phone couldn't see her nodding, Cao Lan spoke again:

    "It's him."

    "Damn it! It's really him?!" The girlfriend's voice suddenly rose, her spirit was obviously much more excited than before, and she said cautiously, "Why did he and Caiyu go to dinner together?"

.Cao Lan lowered the volume subconsciously and said with a wry smile: "You know, there are some things about unicorns that cannot be shared, otherwise, no matter how much I contribute, Teacher Lan will not be merciful to me."

    The best friend naturally knew this, and she didn't want to ask anything more sensitive, she just asked because she couldn't help being curious: "I just want to know one thing!"

    "What's the matter?"

    "Are Teacher Lan and Wen Anyu dating?"


    Cao Lan has been suspicious of the relationship between Wen Anyu and Lan Shuanghe these days, but in the entire studio, no one noticed that something was wrong with them.

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