Chapter 31

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Perhaps because he was worried about his cold, Lanshuanghe turned off the air conditioner in the car.

    But this is the only way I feel more cramped when I smell the dark rain, because without the sound of the air conditioner, the car is too quiet.

    On the other hand, he felt sticky all over, and the feeling of sticking to his body after the rain soaked his clothes was really uncomfortable. While having a headache, I was looking for a topic to break the silence.

    Two minutes later, Wen Anyu whispered, "I heard Wei Hang say, "Listening to the Rain" was repaired by you?"

    Lan Shuanghe was still immersed in the unreality of his crush in the car, and nodded when he heard the words: "Yes."

    Wen Anyu was helpless: "Why didn't you tell me, if Weihang hadn't told me, I might not have known about this for the rest of my life, and I would be grateful to Weihang for myself."

    Lan Shuanghe: "..."

    Lan Shuanghe really couldn't say this.
.When he first helped fix the bug, he didn't know Wen Anyu's attitude towards Wu Shengu. The result of the moral bottom line being too high is that his self-esteem does not allow him to intervene in the emotions of others, and he does not want to pull Wen Anyu into the abyss of bad morals because of his repeated favors.

    Of course, Lan Shuanghe would never admit that he had really thought about it.

    He pursed his lips and said, "How do you want to thank me?"

    "...?" Wen Anyu was stunned by what he said.

    Inexplicably, a word popped into my mind: promise each other.

    He was shocked and secretly rebuked himself for watching too many costume idol dramas. If he really promises him, he might even think that he will take revenge for his kindness!

    He hurriedly threw this thought out of his head, Wen Anyu said, "When are you going to fly to the UK? . . How about I treat you to a meal before you go? "

    "You can have dinner, you can choose the place and time." Lan Shuanghe curled his lips: "Also, I'm not leaving."

    Wen Anyu turned her head suddenly, surprised: "Huh?"

    "The studio's next plan is to do business in Huaguo, and there needs to be someone to supervise it. Originally, I didn't want to stay in Huaguo. Now..." Lan Shuanghe stepped on the brakes and parked the car in the yard below the small villa. inside.

    He tilted his head slightly, looked at Wen Anyu intently, and said, "I want to stay."


    Wen Anyu was caught off guard and looked at him, her heart skipped a beat, and she missed a beat for no reason.

    Even though he was soaking wet, he felt that his entire chest and neck were burning like fire, and it was extremely hot.

.Fortunately, he had arrived at Lanshuanghe's house, so he quickly unbuckled his seat belt and pushed the door to get out of the car.

    Walk ahead as if fleeing.

    Lanshuanghe fell within two steps behind him, staring at Wen Anyu's back, as if he saw a fragile treasure that was lost and found, he slowly let out a sigh of relief.

    - So nervous.

    The idea popped into their minds at the same time.


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