Chapter 3

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"I'm in the auditorium, you follow the procedure." Ding Jiao suffocatedly read out the text of the text message and looked at the people around him: "What does this mean?"

    The team members stood sluggishly in the background, all feeling collapsed.

    "Literally, he told us to start the speech directly."

    "No... why is Teacher Lan in the audience??"

    Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and Wei Hang said with great interest: "The uncle of the security guard at the door said that Teacher Lan came in with his boyfriend. Could it be that he originally made an appointment with his boyfriend?"

    This remark was greeted with an excited and noisy response:

    - 'Impossible', 'Don't talk nonsense', 'Shut up'.

    Ding Jiao glanced at Wei Hang with a strange expression, "What are you talking about, Teacher Lan has been in the UK for the past four years and has never returned to China at all. . . This time, it was only a few days after he came back. He has been busy with business. Where did he find the time to fall in love? "

    "Maybe it's a long-distance relationship?" Wei Hang retorted in a low voice.

    "This is even more impossible!" Ding Jiao shook his head like a rattle, "I followed Teacher Lan to do projects when the team was first established. He hardly ever turned on his mobile phone from morning to night. What is the state of people who are in love?"

    Before waiting for Weihang's response, another team member said: "Also, Teacher Lan is completely invulnerable. When he was in the UK before, there were many little girls chasing him, and he really thought those people were annoying. , I think they are wasting his time. In other words... there were people in our team who wanted to chase him in the early days."

    Wei Hang was curious: "What's the result?"

    "What could be the result? One time, a stern rejection, a second offer of suspension and a pay cut, and a three-time offer of immediate dismissal. . . In the end, who would dare to think unreasonably about him? Originally, this was really hurting our self-esteem. Later, we found that Teacher Lan treated all the suitors like this, and it became numb. "God" should always stay on the altar, and we mortals are not worthy. "

    After speaking, Ding Jiao's face was full of urgency: "The audience has been waiting for a long time, I will go to the stage first."

    At this time, thousands of seats in the venue were full. Because the game show that was originally scheduled to start at 8:30 was delayed for a full 20 minutes, the game fans in the venue were a little anxious, and they were discussing something. The appearance of Ding Jiao relieved this anxiety very well. He knocked on the microphone, made sure that the microphone was fine, and said with a smile: "It's over, I've been late for so long, I will definitely be punished by the teacher to write a review when I go back. Someone will write this Well, ask for a ghostwriter online, and the price is negotiable."

    The audience roared with kindness.

.Ding Jiao's eyes swept across the auditorium, and finally gave up looking for Lanshuang River in this dark crowd. He spread out the laptop in front of him and connected to the giant screen behind him: "As usual, let's introduce our studio to the new friends first."

    A prepared PPT appeared on the giant screen.

    【Unicorn, unicorn. Founded on June 1, 2016, and registered a trademark in the UK in early 2018, its representative works include "Backstab" and "The Secret of Eliza". Under the leadership of Lan Shuanghe, its works have signed a total of ten million levels... The awards are as follows... 】

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