Chapter 44

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The rain is getting weaker, but the driver's face is full of melancholy: "Second Master, the road ahead is closed."

    Wen Anyu frowned slightly, and asked worriedly, "Why is it closed again, has there been another car accident on the elevated?"

    "There was no car accident." The driver shook his head helplessly: "The terrain is low over there, and there will be water accumulation when it rains heavily. It is too easy to have accidents on this day, and the road must be closed every time it rains."

    Wen Anyu clicked her tongue: "What if someone has an emergency to go to the airport, or wants to go home?"

    Driver: "There is another road, but that road will take a long time to detour."

    Wen Anyu: "How long."

    The driver estimated and said, "Two or three hours."


.Wen Anyu looked down at his phone, it was already two o'clock in the morning, and then he took the path to take Lanshuanghe home.

    What else to sleep, just change clothes and go to work.

    The driver suggested, "How about I take you home first? If you have a spare room at home, how about letting your friend rest for the night?"

    Hearing An Yu's "ah" sound, he turned to look at Lanshuang River.

    Lan Shuanghe seemed to be unable to hear the conversation in the car, and kept leaning on the back of the seat, looking out the window slightly.

    Wen Anyu leaned over and looked out the window. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. He asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

    Lan Shuanghe's thin lips parted lightly: "Rain."

    "What's so good about rain?" Wen Anyu smiled curiously, "Have you rarely encountered such rainstorms in the UK?"

.Lan Shuanghe shook his head: "I have met."

    Wen Anyu was even more puzzled: "Then you should look at it."

    Lanshuanghe is still looking out the window, his eyes are a little erratic: "I have seen the rainstorm in the daytime, but I haven't seen the rainstorm in the dark night."

    "Oh." Wen Anyu leaned beside him, watched the rain with him for a while, and suddenly said, "Alumni, don't patronize and look out the window. An Anyu is also sitting beside you. You can look at him."

    Lan Shuanghe blinked slightly, finally willing to look away from the window and turned to look at Wen Anyu.

    The two were suddenly very close.

    Wen Anyu discovered this as early as the first time they met - Lanshuanghe was very good-looking.

    He had noticed it when he was in the attached middle school before, but he didn't know what was going on. Lanshuanghe seemed to be shielded by something and had been shielded from his world.

.Now he can see very clearly.

    Lan Shuanghe's eyes are clear and bright, especially shocking under the thick ink-like eyebrows.

    Especially when he looks down at people, even if there is no emotion in those eyes, it can make people feel an extraordinary affectionate and morbid possessiveness.

    Under the high nose bridge, there are cool and thin lips with a cold arc, which looks... very kissable.

    Wen Anyu watched and couldn't help but feel hot in her heart, as if a kitten scratched and scratched, and her heart was itchy.

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