Chapter 21

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Xu Rin sat in the anchor seat with an ugly expression: "There is already someone in this seat, where will he sit when he comes back later? You go back to your own seat."

    The people around him laughed: "Why, are you afraid of me?"

    Xu Rong was silent.

    The person next to him is called He Ning'an. Although his name is An Ning and Peaceful, this person is not 'Ning An' at all.

    They were roommates in college, and they were even close friends for a long time in their freshman year, but as the intersection deepened, he found that He Ning'an was a weird person.

    This person's thinking mode is very different from ordinary people. He is always crazy when he does things and talks. He used to hide needles in other roommates' pillows, just because the roommate stepped on his bed with his bare feet when he got to the top bunk.

.Later, Xu Rin learned that He Ning'an had a mental illness. He didn't know what the specific problem was, but from that day on, he alienated He Ning'an intentionally or not.

    But He Ning'an still treated him as before.

    This time the forum is also done by this person.

    Because of the accidental use of the trumpet to like, Xu Lin was very hesitant last night. He really didn't want to interact with He Ning'an, for fear that this lunatic would implicate him.

    But he was afraid of this person in his heart, and he didn't dare to reveal it.

    After a pause, Xu Rin said, "Don't do that kind of thing again, it's easy to be exposed."

    He Ning'an glanced at him, "You are so stupid."

    Xu Rin was confused: "Am I right? Editing the video and adjusting the soundtrack can easily make people see it as a fake. Within a few days, someone will definitely say this."
.He Ning'an did not respond, and directly changed the subject and said, "You just came on stage as the special host of contestant No. 11, how is it, how is the response?"

    Speaking of this, Xu Lin was secretly happy.

    "The person who played against me was a mob invited by the game company. When I was playing the game, they poured water on me like crazy, and it was not very obvious. The overall effect seems to be that I played well today. I see Weibo fans and platform fans. It went up a lot.”

    He Ning'an said: "I'm asking about the reaction of the game."

    Xu Rin looked down at his phone and was even happier: "The official website has opened a review of 8.5 points! This is the highest score so far, and the topic of 'smart eyes and pearls' has already appeared on Weibo, and fans all say that I have good eyesight. A very high quality game demo."

    "Then congratulations." .He Ning'an couldn't hear the emotion in his tone, so he said with a smile: "It's because Wen Anyu is unlucky this time, it happens to be on the 12th. If the game you make breaks down, then he breaks down with it. Congrats again, this time he is finally going to be crushed by you."

    There were all the anchors around, and He Ning'an didn't deliberately lower his voice, and there were already people nearby who looked at them several times. Xu Rin said embarrassedly: "What are you talking about, what's there to congratulate, of course I hope my cousin is well."

    He Ning'an was noncommittal.

    Xu Rin didn't think about it so much at first, but when he said this, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

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