Chapter 41

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Wen Anyu hid in the stairway and searched for "Miracle Game Company" for a long time, and all that came out were about Wu Shengu. I want to search further for the godson recognized by Chairman Miracle, but I can't find anything.

    He put away his phone, confused.

    What does He Ning'an want to do?

    Why did this person push him in the past life?

    And in the original plot after his death, He Ning'an also reported to the school that Uncle Wu sexually/harassed students, causing Uncle Wu to be wronged and grieved to die.

    In the original work, He Ningan harmed Uncle Wu because the latter and the protagonist Xu Lin were in the opposite camp.

    Is it related to Xu Lin that he harmed himself?

    Wen Anyu could only think of Xu Lin.

    But why did Xu Rin want to hurt himself?

    - Wu Shengu.

."..." Wen Anyu's indifferent face.

    This is still just his guess, and the specific situation will have to wait until the fifth volume of the original book comes out to find out.

    The fifth volume in his mind is still covered with a layer of fog, no matter how concentrated he is, the volume is still difficult to open. However, looking at the thickness of the volume, the fifth volume should be the last volume of the original work.

    He got up and patted his pants, and was about to go out through the exit of the escape stairs, when a conversation suddenly came from the other side of the door.

    "A bottle of red wine is 370,000 yuan, and a bottle of foreign wine is 220,000 yuan. Those two people are blowing at the bottle. It's too extravagant, and it hurts just looking at it."

    Someone at a dinner party?

    Wen Anyu stopped, intending to wait for the two people in the corridor outside to leave before going out.

."Anyway, Li Huaqiang is the host tonight. Does the richest man in China have such a little money?" After a pause, another person laughed and joked: "It's raining so hard outside, the reporters have not been squatting for a few hours. I guess someone will be taken out for gastric lavage later, and there will be ghosts if you don't drink this way."

    "Why do they drink so desperately?"

    "That's not obvious, it must be a personal grievance. Have you watched all the hot searches in the past few days? Miracle Game Company..."

    As soon as he heard the word 'miracle', Wen Anyu instantly came to his senses and couldn't help eavesdropping closer to the crack of the door.

    However, the two people talking went farther and farther, and then entered the elevator, the sound was completely blocked.

    Wen Anyu sighed in disappointment, and was about to push the door to go out when footsteps suddenly came from the stairs above.

    Tack, tick-

.It was the sound of leather shoes stepping on the corridor, and then there was a 'click' sound, and the lighter ignited the tobacco.

    Then, Wen Anyu heard Gan Yuansi's voice.

    "Do you smoke?"

    There was no sound upstairs, and it seemed to refuse.

    Gan Yuansi took a breath and complained, "Why didn't you say anything when you came, I told people everywhere that you didn't come."

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