Chapter 19

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The members of the studio came around one after another, and everyone stared at the photos on the tablet, and they were instantly in an uproar.

    "This doesn't seem to be a vegetable fish."

    "What does it seem, this is not what it is!"

    The title of the post is right. This is indeed a high-definition photo of a frontal face. The man in the photo weighs 200 pounds at least. His eyes are narrowed into slits. Very greasy.

    Wen Anyu frowned, took the tablet and turned it down.

    Forum users are also quite speechless.

    "What the hell! Just take a picture and say it's a vegetable fish?"

    "The landlord is talking about evidence."

    "Disillusioned, ah ah ah ah, don't be a vegetable fish, although the game circle does not like appearance, but it is too..."

    "Where's the landlord? Wait for the stone hammer.jpg"

.When netizens discussed two or three pages, the development of public opinion also reached a certain level. At this time, the landlord finally came late, "It's late, it's been a really hard day, I cried all morning, and I've been thinking about whether to expose his true colors. He is a big anchor on the platform, but I'm just a An ordinary girl who has just graduated from high school, I am afraid of being retaliated by him, but thinking that there may be more simple girls who will be deceived after me, I decided to tell all the things that have happened to me in the past two years, I hope everyone You can see this guy."


    "Fuck, what's wrong with you, landlord?"

    "Suddenly smelled the big melon in the game circle!"

    "Two years ago, I met him at a game anchor game in the game circle. At that time, he was sitting in the seat with the name plate of Caiyu on his back, and he seemed to be very familiar with other anchors. I can confirm that he is Caiyu. …”

.The post has been written for a long time, and the summary is that "Caiyu is a habitual offender of grass and powder, cheating and cheating, and then breaking up unilaterally after the money is obtained". The tone of the narration is real and tear-jerking. If it wasn't for Wen Anyu or the other protagonist in the story, he would almost cry with empathy.

    Too bad, he thought.

    But he seems even worse now.

    Ding Jiao frowned so much that a fly could be pinched to death, and said, "Has the owner of this post been deceived? Maybe someone faked the identity of Caiyu to deceive his fans."

    Cao Lan said: "That Caiyu, you are also a victim. Your identity has been used fraudulently."

    Everyone in the studio knew that the photo was not Wen Anyu himself, but the people in the forum didn't know.

.At this time, the game forum was in chaos, and several posts were derived from the initial exposure post, and each discussion was extremely high. The photo of the greasy man was spread everywhere.

    Some people feel sad for the girl, but there are still many people who question: "Although I sympathize with your experience, the whole article is oral, and there is no stone hammer to prove that this person is a vegetable fish."

    "Fans sober up, the original post said so clearly, the time line can be matched, how do you want to hammer it."

    "What does this have to do with fans, the original post is that there is no stone hammer, who knows if it is making a black rumor! And who doesn't know in the circle that Caiyu has never participated in an open game competition, and every time the organizer invites him, he will not Go. If I sit in that seat, am I also a vegetable fish?"

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