Chapter 23

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For a moment, some even suspected that the director cut the wrong shot.

    Anyone can go up to help, only Lan Shuanghe is impossible. But now the person going up is Lanshuanghe.

    Ding Jiao was sitting next to the Lanshuang River. To be precise, the staff of Unicorn were all sitting here.

    So there was a very funny scene in the camera.

    At the moment Lan Shuanghe got up, the eyes around him gathered in one place, and everyone's expressions looked very funny, as if they were performing a silent mime.

    When Lan Shuanghe approached the backstage, Ding Jiao realized his complexion changed later: "Damn! The studio card is still on me, and Teacher Lan forgot to take it!"

    Cao Lan grabbed him: "You don't need to send it, you can only use your own ID card in the Baijie Competition, and Teacher Lan will definitely bring your ID card with you."

.Ding Jiao was stunned: "Does Teacher Lan need to use his ID card to register?"

    As soon as these words came out, Cao Lan was also stunned.

    She had forgotten about it. Over the years, Unicorn Studio's cards were basically Lanshuanghe's special cards, and members rarely saw Lanshuanghe play games.

    They really thought that Lanshuanghe didn't like playing games!

    Everyone looked at each other, all confused.


    Several people on stage were dragged to the public plane by the host, and Wen Anyu felt uneasy after taking his seat.

    In the original work he has seen so far, Lanshuanghe and Wu Shengu have always been in a subtle confrontation, and have never faced each other. Even if there is, it should be at least after the contents of the fourth volume.

    But I don't know what went wrong in the middle, their first head-to-head confrontation was more than two years ahead of schedule!

.what is this?

    The seat next to him was heavy, the side headlights were slightly blocked by the light, and the public plane cast a mottled shadow.

    Wen Anyu secretly turned her head and glanced at him, subconsciously surprised - Lan Shuanghe was also looking at him!

    Wen Anyu hurriedly turned around, picked up the goggles in a hurry, and coughed lightly: "Teacher, thank you."

    "We're at the same level, just call me by my name." Lan Shuanghe paused, his tone couldn't tell the emotion: "No thanks."

    "Lan the Frost River." .Wen Anyu changed his lip eloquently. In fact, he had already been corrected once, but whenever he was in front of Lanshuanghe, he always unconsciously felt that he was short, and he spoke carefully, "I'm not thanking you now. Would like to be my teammate, just now, just backstage... I really wanted to get out of there just now, thank you for taking me away."

    Lan Shuanghe's eyebrows moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

    At this time, Xu Rong came over from the side, staggered on the ground, and almost fell directly. Wu Shengu gave him a conditioned reflex, and put his arms around his waist to help him keep his balance.

    They made a lot of noise, and even the game chair next to them was overturned. Wen Anyu glanced sideways with meaning, and frowned slightly when he saw the two who were supporting each other.

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