Chapter 49

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Just as the medical staff was preparing for the rescue, someone suddenly shouted, "I have a heartbeat! Wen Anyu has a heartbeat again!"

    "what happened?"

    "Didn't you just have a cardiac arrest?"

    People looked at each other suspiciously, not knowing what was going on. Only Wen Anyu knew that his life was "dug" by Lanshuang River in the ice and snow.

    When he woke up, he was in a snow cave that could collapse at any time. This is a triangle formed by collapsed rocks, which can effectively resist the cold wind from the snow.

    To ask him how he feels now, one word: cold.

    Two words: Fake.

    Three words: people are stupid.

    Lanshuanghe turned his back to him and sat on the windshield.

.Wen Anyu limped over and tugged at Lan Shuanghe, who may have been in the ice and snow for a long time, his reaction was particularly slow, and it took several seconds before he opened his eyes slightly.

    After a while, he said, "Are you awake?"

    Wen Anyu nodded, looking at the hoarfrost on Lan Shuanghe's face with some distress, covering his hair, brows, and eyelashes, almost forming substantial ice.

    "Why are you sitting here?"

    "It's windy, you can block it."

    "No, sit in." Wen Anyu's attitude was particularly tough, and regardless of Lan Shuanghe's expression, he forcibly pulled him back. Lan Shuanghe was silent for a while and followed his wishes.

    The two sat in a row, quietly snuggling together.

    The air baffle was removed, and the icy wind rushed in all at once, and the air in the triangle area was much colder than before. .Lanshuanghe was like a big ice block, with a chill all over his body, but Wen Anyu somehow felt that it was much more comfortable than before.

    He was so cold that his teeth chattered: "Are we going to die here?"

    Lan Shuanghe thought he was afraid, so he silently took his hand and pressed him into his arms: "No."


    "Eight hours forced offline."

    "Pfft." Wen Anyu laughed out loud, and her body shivered coldly, "I thought you would say something touching, but I didn't expect it to be so realistic."

    Lan Shuanghe folded his arms to protect Wen Anyu even tighter, and said, "What love words do you want to hear?"

    Wen Anyu smiled in his arms: "Can you tell?"

    Lan Shuanghe was silent for a while, then shook his head honestly: "No." After that, he added: "But I can learn."

.Wen Anyu laughed again, "You don't learn love words, you don't have that feeling when you learn them. This kind of thing has to be said from the heart. The more real the better, otherwise it will be very hypocritical."

    Lan Shuanghe frowned slightly, as if he didn't quite understand. He has achieved excellent grades since childhood, and he is very quick to learn anything, but when it comes to feelings, he is simply a blank sheet of paper.

    After thinking about it, he asked, "Why are you in the game."

    Wen Anyu didn't hide it, and said directly: "I have my own channels. I guessed that something would go wrong in this game, so I grabbed Wu Shengu's game qualification and went straight to the game. The group of idiots from the organizer didn't respond. It is estimated that he is dumbfounded outside now."

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