Chapter 8

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When Wu Shengu was working, he always felt that people in the team looked at him strangely.

    Several times he went to the tea to drink water, and the people under his hands surrounded him with water glasses, as if they were secretly observing his expression.

    What's wrong with these people?

    "Boss Wu, I have your phone number." A staff member stepped forward, his eyes dodged and said, "It was your brother who called. He said he couldn't get through to you, so he called me on my mobile phone."

    "?" Is there anything urgent that needs to be contacted by the people around him?

    Wu Shengu took the phone: "What's the matter?"

    Wu Weiling's angry voice came over immediately: "You still ask me something, didn't you see the message I sent you?"

    "I didn't see it, the phone is turned off." Wu Shengu said while drinking water: "Are you looking for me for tickets? I'll go to the exhibition with Anyu in a few days..."

.Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Wu Weiling angrily: "He doesn't want your ticket at all."

    Wu Shengu's action of drinking water stopped, and some couldn't react, "What did you say?"

    Wu Weiling: "The ticket is not the point now. The point is that I just went to the door of his office to look for him, and he actually called the manpower to move my things and said he would fire me!"

    Wu Shengu was stunned, and his tone was obviously unbelievable: "He really said that?"

    "What I've heard with my own ears is still fake? I don't care. You have to help me solve this matter, or I'll tell Mom. If Mom finds out, you two will not want to be together." Wu Weiling was also angry, In fact, he wasn't so hostile to Wen Anyu, the 'sister-in-law', but he was really angry.

.He was even a little sad, and said uncomfortably, "Wen Anyu was good to me in the past, how could he treat me like this, it must be because of you. He was so angry this time... Brother, why don't you? Will it really have something to do with Xu Lin?"

    "What nonsense!" Wu Shengu scolded.

    He couldn't even remember what Xu Lin looked like, how could he have any unusual relationship with this person.

    Feeling helpless about this suspicion in his heart, Wu Shengu sighed and said, "He must have fired you because you were too cheap, and Anyu also has a temper."

    Wu Weiling reflected on it rarely, and muttered, "Then I will treat him better in the future."

    Wu Shengu said "um", "Don't tell your mother about this first, and I will help you to tell Anyu about it during the family dinner in the evening."

    "good!".Wu Weiling hung up the phone happily, rushed to the front desk of the company and said, "The things are here, anyway, sooner or later, they will be picked up, so there is no need to move them out."

    On the other hand, Wu Shengu returned the mobile phone to the staff, and muttered with a headache, "Why do you always like to speak anger."

    The clerk was stunned for a moment, holding back and holding back, but still couldn't help but cautiously reminded: "Boss Wu, Wen Er Shao has even printed out the dismissal report, and the salary has already been credited to your brother's card. He doesn't seem to be this time. You're talking mad."

    Wu Shengu paused as he was about to leave, his expression froze, and his face became even more ugly.


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