Chapter 20

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The Hundred Contest kicked off at nine o'clock that day, and countless game fans had already gathered outside the clubhouse. In such a big scene, basically famous professional players and big anchors will come to participate, so there are more fans of players and anchors outside, piling up into a small circle, blocking the entire street.

    At six o'clock in the morning, Mother Wen was eager to prepare a shirt for her younger son: "This is good, eh, forget it, let's change it. This one doesn't seem to work either, it shows that your legs are short..."

    "My legs are not short!" Wen Anyu complained.

    Mother Wen said perfunctorily: "Okay, your legs are not short. Change this one to see the effect."

    Wen Anyu: "..."

    After changing his suit, Wen Anyu felt that he could go directly to the Oscars. He was tossed and had no love, and when he wanted to run, he was forcibly pressed on the seat by Wen's mother.

    He said in pain, "Isn't all the clothes changed?"
.Mother Wen ignored his pain and squinted her eyes with a smile: "I still need makeup."

    "Makeup?!" Wen Anyu was shocked.

    Mother Wen patted his little head lovingly and said, "It's just light makeup. I've already called a celebrity makeup artist over here, and she said she wants to put on the most popular nude makeup for you. Don't worry, others will never see your makeup. "

    "???" Then why wear makeup? !

    Wen Anyu really doesn't understand what women are thinking, is it only his mother or all women?

    It was an hour and a half after everything was ready. Wen Anyu hurried to the garage. When he went out, he saw Mother Wen's little sisters. He smiled and nodded: "Hello, aunties."

    After he left, the sisters looked at each other in amazement: "Oh my God, was that Xiao Wen just now?"

.Wen's mother welcomed them into the door, happily: "Why, don't you know each other after a little fiddling?"

    The sisters are all old aunties, so naturally they are not very interested in boys of Wen Anyu's age, but even so, they can't stop praising them from the bottom of their hearts:

    "He looks like that kind of pampered noble son... No, he was originally the young prince of the group!"

    "It feels like something out of a TV show."

    "I was shocked for a moment when I saw it. I thought how could someone wear beauty in reality, but when I looked closely, it turned out to be Xiao Wen, what kind of beauty is it? People look like this!"

    Wen mother's face was red, and she couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

    The son really made a face for him!


    The entrance of the clubhouse.

.Wen Anyu was unexpectedly late when he arrived. Most of the media squatting at the door had already entered, and the ones who stayed outside were mostly small fans of anchors and professional players.

    He glanced at the crowd, and sure enough, he saw a lot of fish meal.

    If he came earlier today, he would definitely go up and say hello. But he was late now, so he had to greet the little girls with a smile and nod, and then trotted all the way into the arena.

    After he left for a long time, everyone was excited and at a loss.

    "He smiled at me!"

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