Chapter 22

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"We have nothing to talk about." Wen Anyu's face had completely cooled down, anger had accumulated in his heart, and his tone became more and more impatient: "My attitude is still the same as that day in the western restaurant."

    Wu Shengu still didn't let go.

    Of course, he could hear the impatience in Wen Anyu's tone, which also made his brows become heavier and heavier.

    What the hell is going on.

    He just helped Xu Rin at the family banquet. Is this thing so unforgivable?

    Wu Shengu's face was ugly, and he said with a bit of luck: "An Yu, are you jealous now? If so, I promise you that I will never have a relationship with Xu Rin in the future..."

    Wen Anyu's goosebumps suddenly arose, and before he could finish speaking, he interrupted: "It's not that I'm jealous."

    "Then why?" Wu Shengu was puzzled.

.Wen Anyu couldn't tell about his rebirth, and since he watched all the developments after his death in the original book, he had completely lost trust in the man in front of him.

    Thinking of how painful it was when Wen Luo committed suicide, Wen Anyu turned her head to look directly at him, her eyes as cold as a dead object: "Seven years is enough for me to get tired of you."


    Wu Shengu froze in place, he never expected to get such an answer.

    When the two first fell in love, Wen Anyu would often ask him out of concern: do you really like me, what do you like about me, will you be bored with me in the future... Questions like this are endless, and at the beginning Wu Shengu would still A patient answer of 'no' has become commonplace and simply ignored.

.He never doubted Wen Anyu's love for him, which made him unprepared to hear this sentence, as if a lightning strike struck him on the forehead.

    Wen Anyu frowned: "Are you satisfied now?"

    Wu Shengu's face was blue, and he stood stiffly in place, his eyes were a little vain.

    Wen Anyu wanted to draw her hands again, but she still couldn't.

    "..." Gan ah!

    After the harsh words were released, he couldn't escape.

    Just when he was anxious, his shoulders suddenly became slightly heavier, and someone put their arms around his shoulders.

    The left shoulder is a solid weight, and the right shoulder is the fragrant pine and cypress that has been very familiar in recent days, as if with the coldness and freshness of the alpine frost, it instantly wraps him.

    Wen Anyu didn't even have to turn his head, he knew who the man was lying on his shoulders.

.A storm had already set off in his heart.

    On the opposite side, Wu Shengu suddenly returned to his senses, with a hint of surprise in his expression: "Are you... Lanshuanghe?"

    Both of them were a little surprised, only to see Lan Shuanghe leaning forward beyond doubt, reaching out to the overlapping hands of the two.

    In Wen Anyu's eyes, it was an unshakable iron claw. When he arrived at Lanshuanghe, it was no different from a chicken claw. He easily broke Wu Shengu's hand.

    "Let's go."

    Lanshuanghe protected him and turned around.

    Wen Anyu was led away in a daze, and she still couldn't react, and she didn't know what to say.

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