Chapter 2

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Taehyung pov

"His name is Jungkook

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"His name is Jungkook. He's yours if you want him."


"Yeah, yours." Pop waved his hand dismissively. "For whatever."

I was sitting in my father's office absorbing this news, news that a nineteen year old boy was coming to me as a gift from my father, that he comes to my father as a payment for unpaid gambling debts. Pop said he was about to have the news of the payment arrangement conveyed to his father and then I could do whatever I wanted with him. "Whatever" meant I could put him on the streets under one of the pimps on my down line. I could also sell him off overseas into the slave trade and pocket the profits myself. Yeah, we had contacts in a variety of industries, including those of the seedy underworld. Looking at his photo, he'd fetch way more on the black market than the debt his dad owed. Way more.

Or, I could keep him for myself, My cock twitched, looking at him

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Or, I could keep him for myself, My cock twitched, looking at him. Soft chestnut brown hair, big doe eyes, beautiful skin, pink kissable lips, fit yet curvy, soft looking. He sure didn't look like he was just about to graduate high school.

If I talk about our family business. My dad and his friend started this business together. Some call us mafia. I don't really use the word. We're businessmen. Yeah, not all of what we do is legal but it's not all shady business deals and gambling debts, either. The way it's set up creates multiple layers and plenty of income streams and the money flows upto the family covers from a variety of areas, like security, construction, and a variety of retail and wholesale businesses. There's also a grayer type of security, loan sharking, prostitution and drugs.
Yeah, organised crime exists in 21st century. No, it's not always as glamorous as it's portrayed on screens and it's not always seedy either.

I'm 29 and I'm inches away from taking over the family business and we feed ourselves and look after our family this way so we take it seriously. If people borrow money, they have to pay their debts. We prefer cash as our currency of choice, of course, but sometimes creative financing comes into play when someone can't pay.

My family may be wealthy but I've earned my stripes, too. Pop didn't believe in sticking a silver spoon in my mouth. He clawed his way up and believe me, he made sure I had to do the same. He called it character building. I called him a hard ass.

I started at the bottom and worked my way up. I bought my first place, a downtown condo, with cash, no mortgage, cash I earned from age 14 to 19. No one could ever say that I didn't deserve to sit in my father's chair when that day came.

Sitting in my father's office and getting told he was handing over a flesh payment on a debt to me was intriguing, to say the least. I'd never seen him take this kind of payment before.

"Why are you letting the guy pay like this? This isn't our style. There's more to it. Spill."

Pop shrugged, " This was my choice, not his. Too many questions, tae. Just think of it as a gift. A bonus for all your hard work. Look at him."

He pushed the picture closer. I'd already seen it. My pop didn't like questions, that was for damn sure. I guess I sort of inherited that quality from him. But I needed to know the whole story, particularly because he was probably only a few key decisions away from retiring. He didn't look ready to retire, he's only in his 50's and looks like he's in his 40's. But my pop has worked hard to build his empire and he says he wants to enjoy the fruits of that labour before he's too old to really enjoy it.

"What kind of guy gives his son up for debts? The debt is measly." I said. He looked reflective and a long moment passed. "Pop..... "

"I bought his debt. There's history. Long family history. This guy! He.... " he waved his hand, "He was like one of those, what do you call.... Fan girls. He tried to crawl up all our asses and worm his way into the business. He disrespected me many years ago. Took something from me. He paid a price. But i don't know that his price was enough," he tapped on his temple with his index finger, "and some nights I still lay awake thinking about what he took from me. This son, he's all he's got of any value. And look at him, I'm thinking he's young, he's beautiful, you could make him yours. Marry him, maybe. Your call, I know, but that's what I think. It'd be a shame to put him to work or sell him off. I saw opportunity. I acted. Two birds with one stone. Pay this guy back by taking his last thing of value. Take him to pay his paltry debt and help our family move forward." He shrugged like it was no biggie but was looking at me studiously. I could see that it was a biggie.

So this chapter was about taehyung🐯,his family background .. 👀👀

Remember everything you read in this chapter, it will be useful further in the story.

Hope u like this story and enjoy it..

See u guys 💕

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Do u think tae will consider marrying jungkook or will he sell him in black market 🤔

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