Chapter 7

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Taehyung pov

It'd been a couple of weeks since Pop had told me about Jeon Jungkook. A long couple of weeks. I'd given the matter thought, like I'd promised him. In fact, I thought about it more than I'd care to admit because the more thought I gave it,the more it made sense. Getting married meant getting handed the keys to all of it. It meant I wouldn't be second guessed, it meant I'd be in total control.

The idea of owning Jungkook did things to me. I couldn't deny the fact that I'd been thinking about the fact that in addition to being in control of the business,I'd be in control of him. Something about the idea of a boy who was mine, a boy who probably hadn't already had dozens of sexual partners... it appealed to me on a deep level, a level so deep I was having trouble shaking what felt like cravings; the things I was imagining doing to him.

I'd dreamt about him almost every night since seeing his picture. Filthy dreams. I woke up every night a few times as a rule, anyway, but since seeing his picture I'd woken up sweaty, with a hard-on, after delicious dreams of him across my knee getting spanked and fingered, dreams of him tied to my headboard, dreams of him on his knees in front of me, taking my cock into that gorgeous mouth with his hands tied behind his back with one of my belts.

It got even worse after I managed to gather intel about him because in addition to the way he looked, he had other qualities I liked. I decided to check out the goods myself, in person, because I put one of my men on detail to watch him and report his activities and after a week he came to me with a report and some photos and I was ready to get this going.I'd probably never before defined what my 'type' was but I now knew. He had a really  hot body and though he was younger than I'd normally go for he didn't look 19. I knew where he lived, where he worked, where he spent his time, who his friends were, and I knew what sort of person he was. My man had taken candid photos of him at school, at play, in the pool in his foster parents' back yard in tight boxers with his thighs on display. My man had been watching him, how he interacted with others. He wasn't hard to read at all. He was quite the open book.

For a second, while looking at his file, my jaw tightened at the fact that my man had taken this photo of him, looked at him. I felt like a possessive prick, wanting to knock him out for even looking at him. He was semi sexually active but not slutty, no boyfriend for the past month or two. Chanyeol told me that there was a little punk ex-boyfriend sniffing around, trying to get his attention again. Jungkook was giving him the brush off. I had video of him trying to talk to Jungkook  over a fence while he was in those tight boxers. He seemed like he could be a bit of a cock tease by the looks of it. He had a bit of sass but not enough to come across like a bitch. No, it was just enough to make me want to bring him to heel.

The boy hadn't had it easy; his old man was a piece of shit, by the sounds of it. Jungkook worked part-time at an ice cream shop near the foster home but he also did volunteer work at the animal shelter as well as at a nearby old age home. He wasn't a typical 19 year old boy out to party and spend and that appealed to me,too. Not a virgin but not a slut.After way too much time spent looking at videos of him and flipping through a file of photos and general intel, I decided to stroll in and size up the potential chemistry in person. Regardless of what he looked like, I needed to know if there would be any sort of spark before moving forward. Yeah, most would say I should just let him go, let him go live his life. If I was a nice guy that's what I'd probably do. There were people out there that I'd already been with who'd be more than happy to wear my ring and sleep in my bed. But I guess I'm not a nice guy. The thing was that my Pop had a claim on him so either I took the gift or he'd give him to someone else. Either way, he was now a Kim property. That was my justification, as twisted as that was. He was property of the kim family so if I had to get married, he'd might as well become mine.Yeah, I know; I guess I'm not even a little bit of a good guy.


Bells jingled over the door to the small store as I walked in. Music played and it had a fifties diner theme. Jungkook was working alone and the shop was empty.

I stood at the counter and watched him. He was up on a footstool stocking a shelf above his head with small boxes of ice cream cones and he was humming along to the song on the radio. His arms over his head made his shirt ride up, showing his bare lower back and two sexy dimples at the base of his spine. My pants suddenly felt tight.He had a juicy ass popping from those tight jeans. And the knowledge that it was mine? In that moment, with that knowledge, I had to take a deep breath to stop myself from taking him right then and there.

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