Chapter 19

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Jungkook pov

"Tell. Tell me everything," Sejin leaned forward and propped his chin on his palm, his elbow on the table and stared at me with big brown eyes.

I winced.

"You don't trust me. I understand. I'm a stranger to you. Let me talk while you eat. We'll become friends in no time."I took a bite of cubed melon from the plate.

"I've been with the family since Tae was a small boy. His mother died when he was just a boy. The Kim family hired me to look after him. I was an illegal alien with no future. I'd been smuggled into the country by a nasty piece of shit,who wanted to work me and my family to the death in payment for getting us into the states.Mr. Kim, Tae's father, he broke up the operation that was ruining lives of a lot of people. He freed dozens of people treated like slaves. In thanks to him, I offered to work for their family for nothing; they saved us, a lot of us. Of course they have paid me generously all these years,anyway. He got me citizenship, too. I stayed anyway; I wanted to be surrounded by people who cared."

"Slaves? They saved you from slavery?" I shook my head, a sour look on my face.

He continued, "This family, they don't play everything by the books. But they did a lot for me.There are a lot of people out there like them, don't kid yourself.They don't all get called by the same names but there are some very bad people out there disguised as good people and there are people who do bad things sometimes but are not bad, they do what they need to do. This family, what you see is what you get. They did good for me and for my parents." he looked up to the sky and then kissed his fingertips and pointed them at the sky, "They've become family to me."

He motioned to my plate again, "Please, Jungkook; you need to eat."

I took a bite of food. 

"Tae is the oldest of four. He's taking over the family business after he marries you. He has big responsibilities.This means you will have an important position. He's like a son to me, you know? We're like family. You're resistant to this. I know a bit about your father. I know that he gave you to pay them.Better to be with The Kim family than a man like that." he spat the word 'that' out with a grimace.

I was shocked, "I'm a prisoner, Mr Park. How is this better?"

"Call me Sejin hyung. Better to be a prisoner of a good man than an evil one. Tae is a good man. You'll see. Underneath all his---you'll see."

I shook my head, "I wasn't imprisoned by my father. He left me in foster care for 9 years. I was free but he came and he--- and Taehyung is forcing me into---" I stopped talking. I didn't want to say another word. Rule number 2.

"Your fiance will provide for you, keep you safe, give you a family, an amazing loving family. Maybe you don't think this is what you want but you will be very blessed. I know he has dark tendencies but I think the right person will bring him into the light. He's had much pain in his life so far. He's had a lot to prove.He's beautiful outside; he just needs love to help create some beauty inside."

How promising.

I sipped my coffee and stared out at the forest beyond the pool. I was done listening to him. This was pointless.

"I hope we can be friends. You can come to me if you need anything."

Yeah, he's loyal to him, to them. I won't go to him for a thing. I stared,unseeing, ahead of me.

He must've picked up on my vibe because he left me alone then, patting me on the shoulder.

I ate some of the food but really wasn't all that hungry so it was tasteless and pointless. I was worrying about Rose, Hoseok and my friends and their safety. 

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