Chapter 44

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Taehyung pov

You'd think I'd been gone a month instead of 2 days with all the shit that had piled up. 

Holy fuck! 

I got two quick calls taken care of and decided to handle the rest later. I headed upstairs and heard the bath running so my clothes were quickly off and when I opened the door in the buff he looked up from the tub and gave me a cute bunny smile. 

I climbed into the tub with him and we made what he'd called a soapy splashy mess. When back in the bedroom, ready to get dressed while he unpacked, I heard my phone go off. 

My PI was calling. I decided to meet with him to discuss the additional information I'd found out from Jeon shi hyuk as well as follow up on the Chanyeol stuff. 

I asked Jungkook to give me the photo of his Mom and my Pop and he found it for me in the basement. 

I kissed him goodbye and told him not to wait up but to talk to Sejin hyung in the morning about packing for us for Vegas.I made him promise to be no more than 2 feet away from his phone at any given time and then I had a quick chat with the 4 guys on the house, including my brother-in-law Namjoon who was gonna be my main house security guy, replacing Chanyeol. Until I really knew all was good, I wasn't taking any chances. Maybe when we got back I'd take him to the range and teach him how to shoot, too.


Jungkook pov

The rest of the evening was, thankfully, uneventful, except that Taehyung didn't come home. 

He texted me at midnight to ask if I was okay. Then he texted me again at 3:30 am, waking me, to say he'd be home in the morning. 

It sort of nagged at me and I didn't sleep much after that.I wondered if he was seeing another man or woman. Was he out somewhere giving someone else the 'rough' so that he could give me the 'sweet'? I knew I'd have to swallow a lot being with him but if infidelity was one of those things, I wouldn't be able to handle it. It'd revert to being a prison sentence for me and one I'd never stop trying to find my escape from.

At 7:30 in the morning I got up because there was no point continuing to lie there and torment myself. Sejin hyung was up so he and I started to pack. I would've done it myself if I had a clue of how to pack for a vacation for him. 

Sejin hyung clearly knew what he was doing, what sorts of clothes we'd need, etc. He was being sweet and chatty and had tried to broach the topic of my and Taehyung's relationship, "So, you two? Things better?"

I smiled and changed the subject, "Do I really need all these pairs of shoes for a short trip?"

He smirked, "You can talk to me. I'm like Fort Knox. You tell me something and it won't go nowhere. I sat under interrogation for 6 hours once. I was in a hundred degree room and I had to pee. Still not a word."

I found that hard to believe since he never shut the heck up --- like ever. I didn't even want to ask him why he was interrogated for 6 hours. 

Taehyung strode into the bedroom and saved me from the Sejin hyung Inquisition. He came right to me and folded me into an embrace. Sejin hyung left the room and shut the door.He ran his hands up and down my back and his nose travelled from the nape of my neck up to my temple, then he kissed it, "Miss me?"

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