Chapter 34

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Jungkook pov

That day felt like a long one, like my gut was raw all day. I'd sat outside for a while and then went into the kitchen and finally made myself eat a piece of buttered toast. Then I wandered back upstairs and looked around at the bedrooms, which all looked sort of the same, like hotel rooms. I found my way back to the master bedroom and tried to take a nap but I didn't sleep. I felt that sick feeling you feel when your body is tired but your brain is on overdrive.

I wondered how Rose was doing, she must be so worried about me. I wanted to reach out to her but there wasn't a phone in this bedroom right now as the cordless phone base still sat empty. Jimin's words about not making calls rang in my ears but as it got darker I decided that I just had to make that call and at least tell her not to stress, that I was fine. I found a cordless in the family room and tucked it into the back of my pants and pulled my sweater over it and then went back up to the master bedroom. I'd managed this feat without drawing any attention as Jimin wasn't in sight, Taehyung's office door was closed,and all the guards seemed to be outside. Sejin hyung was busy cooking something in the kitchen.

I dialed Rose's cell phone and got her voicemail. I was relieved to get her voicemail on one hand because that'd mean that I wouldn't have to answer questions but on the other hand it made me sad because it wouldn't tell me if she was okay or not.

I left a message, "Rose, it's Jungkook. I just want you to know I'm fine. Everything is okay. I hope everyone is okay there. Please know I love all of you and I'll be in touch again soon. Please don't worry and please just leave things be --- I don't want anyone at risk. Don't worry about me, okay? Things are actually somewhat better so don't stress. Love you guys. Bye."

I hung up and then I hit the redial button and then the erase key. I then went down to return the phone to the family room. I got caught red-handed by Jimin who walked into the family room just as I deposited the phone into the cradle.

"Jungkook, what the hell?"

I felt the color drain from my face, "I just left a voicemail for my foster mom to tell her I was fine. I don't want them meddling and putting themselves in danger and thought if I just left a message to tell her I'm fine she would back off."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, looking so much like his brother that I felt a stab of fear in my gut. He shook his head, "No more, okay? I can't deal right now."

He left the room. I followed him into Taehyung's office.

"What's going on?"

"Don't worry about anything. It's all good."

"I call bullshit," I said, folding my arms across my chest.

He rolled his eyes, "Alright, we can't find him. We're looking. I'm torn between going myself and staying. He wants you safe so I'm staying like he wants and trying to organize things from here is frustrating."

"What about Chanyeol and Justin?"

"He dealt with both of them; we know that." Jimin said.

I tried to ignore the cold pit in my gut. "Then where could he be?"


I sat down behind the big desk. I saw a photo in a frame of him, his father, and his siblings, their kids, and spouses, around a Christmas tree. There was a small wedding photo of who must've been his Mom with his father, by the looks of it,and beside that photo was the engagement ring he'd given me. I'd left it in Jin's car and he must've returned it to him.

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