Chapter 68

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Taehyung pov

My plan was to go home, make love to my Jungkook, sleep for a few hours and then find out how Pop was doing. Instead, I had to meet with my PI and Jimin, to get more information on where things were at.

On my way to get Jimin from the hospital, I got a returned call back from a connection that helped me get Jungkook's father moved. He was safe. For how long, I didn't know. 

Did he deserve it? Of course not. But he was my bun's father and I didn't want him to have to deal with his father's death on top of everything else so he was on simmer for the time being. Turned out that Jimin talked to Pop, who'd woken up. 

Pop had Joon doing double duty for insight with his enemies related to the group James was part of; he wasn't really stepping out on us. Pop wasn't coherent enough to get too into detail so we had to guess at a few things which we can confirm later once Namjoon wake up. We guessed the thing with my weapons happened because it'd fallen in his lap while he'd been wearing a wire for the other guys when he was found shot so we assumed he'd been dodgy with me because of the wire. The whole wire thing made sense, too. Namjoon had really been keeping his distance the last few days before he was shot. They'd probably told him to leave me without protection. It seemed like he'd been on his way here, probably to help or warn me, when things went down. If that's what he intended it didn't happen because he'd been shot instead. 

Jimin and I planned to talk to Jin and we hoped it'd bring him a little bit of peace that his husband had been loyal, too loyal. Fucking Pop. Jin wouldn't be best pleased with Pop for putting his husband in that position, resulting him in a coma. None of us were pleased with him after the things we'd found out.

My Pop was in deeper with drugs than we'd imagined. And it was that depth that had created the whole rift with Justin Castillo in the first place. Many lives had been unnecessarily lost as a result of Pop moving in on Castillo's territory.But James didn't have the clout alone needed to take Pop out so at first, he participated in recruiting Chanyeol and they tried to use Jungkook as a bargaining chip. Not only did Pop refuse to back off but as a result, I'd killed Castillo and worked with Castillo's enemies to wipe out the Castillo cartel. This had, of course, trickled back home with James getting desperate to hang onto his business but without the strength of his uncle he had started trying to expand his team, to swell his ranks, bringing in new guys, careless and / or inexperienced guys,making alliances. The whole thing had been a gaggle fuck. 

Stuff we'd agreed to with Castillo had less to do with what we thought we were working toward and more to do with Pop's drug deals. Now James and most of his crew were gone. Castillo was gone. And Pop was in a hospital bed showing signs of improvement. Big moves almost always result in a trickle effect and I wanted to do some serious damage control.

Pop had plans to move to the islands, yeah, but retirement wasn't looking like it'd factor into those plans. He had plans to have me and Jimin look after business here while he expanded some seedy business to do with women, drugs, and guns into other areas. Pop didn't want to retire; he wanted more power, more control and it was out of hand. 

One of his enemies was doing well in that part of the world and Pop wanted to take it all away from the guy.Clearly it was out of hand if he had this secret life. 

Here it was about construction, loans, and that trickled down into a few other areas, like stolen goods, sex, a little weed. And yeah, some was illegal but where he'd sunk to seemed to me and to my brother to be worse than that, much worse than that. We knew sometimes we had to dabble in those areas but Pop wasn't dabbling, he was deep sea diving in the corruption. 

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