Chapter 14

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Taehyung pov

I poured 2 glasses of red wine and handed him a glass. He now sat with his legs dangling over the edge of my bed and the look on his face told me that he was trying to hold it together despite wanting to fall apart. This trait would serve him well as my husband. 

"Come." I grabbed his hand and led him to the sofa. He pulled his hand away but sat beside me. I noticed he wouldn't look me in the face. I wanted him to."It's unfortunate that your father put you in this situation," I said, "And I have no respect for what he did. But that said, this is the situation. You were given to me as a gift. That makes you mine."

He blanched. My heart rate picked up with excitement but I wouldn't show him that excitement yet, "So, it's important to me that you understand and follow my rules. Not following these rules is dangerous. Deadly."

He kept his eyes focused on the carpet.

"Rule number 1, I own you." Shock flashed across his doe eyes as they finally met mine and I felt it in the groin so I said it again, "This means exactly what it sounds like. I own you. You're mine. Mine to do what I want with. This means you obey my orders. If not, you face consequences. Being mine means that if I want you marrying me and I choose to give you everything that's mine, that's what happens. If it means keeping you in my bedroom and using you however I want, never letting you see the light of day, that's what it means. If it means shipping you off somewhere and selling you to a pimp in Bangkok or Tijuana who wants to turn you into a five dollar whore that's what it means. You need to understand the gravity here and come to terms with this as soon as possible. The Sooner, the better. Any privilege or comfort you get is because I allow it. I can take it away. All of it. Do you understand?"

He didn't answer me. He looked back down at the floor and his chin started quivering.

"The concept of ownership might be foreign to you but it's a concept you need to learn fast," I said, "Jungkook, look at me."

He looked up and what I saw in his eyes was pure and utter defiance. Perfect. A muscle in my cheek involuntarily twitched. I wasn't ready to reveal all my cards yet but he needed a glimpse. And I wanted to push him, see what he'd do.I stood up and continued, "Because I own you, I'll do what I want to you. Since you chose not to answer my question, I'll reiterate: if that means that I want you to wear my ring , you'll do it. If it means you simply stay tied to my bed until I get tired of fucking you, so be it.I'm in charge. You obey me, things go well. You defy me --- they don't."

Fear flickered in his eyes for a beat but he continued to stare up at me, right into my eyes, trying to be brave. I liked it. I liked it a lot. Yeah, I'm a sick fucker.And the only thing scarier than a sick fucker is a sick fucker with power. If I was going to have to marry to get all the power, I'd damn well get as much pleasure as possible from it. Fear and defiance rolled up in one? He was perfect.Maybe that's why I'd waited so long. This was coming for me. Him.

Yeah, Jimin was right; Pop did do good with this choice for me. In that moment I was feeling something that felt like it must've been bliss because he was mine and I could feel it deep inside. I'd never felt this level of excitement, this sense of ownership, with anyone before.I was standing in front of him, towering over him, and I was going to wipe that defiance right off his face.

"Do you understand?"

He didn't answer me. His eyes narrowed.

I snickered and continued, "I'll let it sink in for a moment, then. Rule #2, you reveal nothing to anyone about anything that you see, hear, or suspect to do with my business activities, my family, my personal life, or my preferences. You don't discuss me with people outside of my family or my house and you don't disclose information about me or what happens in this house or especially in this bedroom with anyone, including people inside my family or my house. The rules are simple. I'm in charge and you keep your mouth shut. The rest, we will figure out as we go. I hope you're a smart enough that I don't need to lay out consequences. Hearing about who I am you probably have an idea of what I'm capable of. If you don't, you will soon enough. You shouldn't test your limits with me. I'm not a patient guy and I like doling out punishments. A lot."

He closed his eyes. Now he was trembling not so subtly. Fuck, my cock was straining against my pants. I sipped my wine, strode over to close the blinds on the doors that led to the deck, and turned back around to look at him. He hadn't touched his wine. He sat there holding the glass, eyes squeezed shut tight. Then he took a deep breath and looked up and stared me right in the eye. The boy hadn't said anything yet but he had balls. I could see it. I looked forward to some sparring.

I unbuttoned my shirt the rest of the way and shrugged to let it drop. His eyes never wavered from mine but I saw him swallow hard. I sauntered toward him.He shakily raised the glass of wine to his lips and tipped it back and drank it all at once. Then he slammed the glass down on the coffee table and stood. He eyed me from head to toe to head again. It made my heart rate pick up. He was ready to fight with me.

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