Chapter 54

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Jungkook pov

He'd spent the next day in his office and as it hit late afternoon I asked if he wanted me to cook something for him. He surprised me by saying he wanted to go out for burgers and see a movie. 

I was shocked he didn't want to just chill and do nothing tonight since we'd just gotten back last night. I was also shocked that he wasn't tied up with work after being away but he told me that Jimin had everything well looked after and there was nothing too pressing. 

It was near sunset but it was still hot outside. We'd gotten dressed in shorts and tank tops and flip flops and Taehyung looked so young and carefree compared to his polished serious suit persona. He told me he knew the perfect burger joint. We swung in and ordered burgers and milkshakes. He ordered chocolate and I ordered vanilla but felt my face get flushed when I asked for vanilla and he'd chuckled and kissed me breathless while we were waiting for our orders.

Then he drove me to the beach, the beach where we'd gone after that first date. I wondered if he'd taken me there on purpose so that I'd see we could have sunsets on the beach sometimes.

We found a picnic table and it really was a delicious burger. 

He looked at me with this mortified look when I swiped one of his onion rings and then shoved it under the bun of my burger then he gave me a big kiss and stole one of my French fries, which led to me feeding him half of my fries one by one looking at one another all googly-eyed. 

We got to watch the sun set, all cuddled up together. It felt like we were a normal couple. 

He kept looking like he wanted to say something. But he didn't. I could've said stuff too, but I didn't. So much was exchanged in those glances, it was almost like a conversation that didn't need words.

He wanted to know I was okay.

I wanted to be okay.

I didn't know if I was okay but I was trying to be. 

Maybe if he never got like that again, I could be. Maybe I could make sure he never got like that again. I knew I was taking on a huge responsibility for something that might be completely out of my control but I wanted us to work so I wanted to try.

Then we went to a drive-in and I fell asleep watching the movie and woke up when he re-started the car to drive us back.

** ** **

The next few days were amazing. It felt like playing house and I was loving it. 

We'd had three days to ourselves before Sejin hyung was back.

I'd been keeping the house tidy, cooking for him, doing laps in the pool and spending time in the basement gym, doing research on my laptop about him and his sexual tastes and considering options for online school. 

I played MS Pacman on the arcade machine in the basement, determined to beat Jimin's #1 spot high score.In a few days I was at the #2 spot and I wasn't giving up. I'd put "Kook Tyson" as my name on it.

 I'd had two conversations on the phone, one with Lisa about wedding plans and an upcoming baby shower for Jisoo. I told her I'd come over and meet with her and the siblings and we could make plans. She told me they were all happy to help. I said I'd talk to Taehyung about dinner on the upcoming Sunday and then we'd sit down and go over things. 

Then I had a phone conversation with my best friend, Minjae. I'd brought it up in afternoon when we were all cuddled up. I nervously told Taehyung I needed to talk to Minjae, to put his mind at ease because he'd just been wondering about me for all this time, and because I'd promised Rose that I'd call him. By not calling I'd be leaving them wondering and worrying about me. 

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