Chapter 61

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Jungkook pov

I walked up to the bedroom and kicked off my shoes and crawled into bed, the soft gray blanket Taehyung had put over my shoulders still wrapped around me.

The shit my father had pulled in my life all pointed to him being a weak and broken man. But what I saw today was like an addict swindling to get his fix. He was looking for an in with this family and thought I was it. And he turned on me.

Taehyung had said he was still using drugs. Was he imagining working for this family and getting wealthy and having access to all the sins he wanted? Drugs,gambling? Was he that out of touch with reality?

Taehyung came into the bedroom a few minutes after I did, looking stressed. He took the navy blue suit jacket he was wearing off and climbed in beside me and pulled me to his chest. I was going to cry again. It couldn't be helped. So much for my tough hardened self that I thought I was after my conversation with my Dad.

"Your necklace," I whispered, rubbing my hand up his chest.

"I know," he sighed.

"That was really fucked up," I said.

"Yeah," he replied.

"But what did he mean?" I asked.

"Hm?" he asked distractedly.

"He said you cleared my father's debt. That didn't make sense. Don't I clear it by marrying you?"

Taehyung's eyes focused on me and he said, "I paid your father's debt."


"Pop gave you to me as a gift. But I paid it anyway."

I shook my head and frowned, not understanding.

He continued, "I paid it. Despite the gift, I wanted the debt paid. So when we got back from Mexico I paid it, with interest. To make it done."

I started to feel spinny, "You paid for me?"

"Not for you, for the debt. To end it."

"You paid money for me." My fingers were at my temples.

"Jungkook, listen---"

"You really just had to 'own' me, didn't you? You had to pay money for me because I'm a piece of fucking property to you!" I pushed at his chest to get away from him.

"No, that wasn't it," he made me look at him by grabbing my chin and staring right into my eyes, "I paid money so that the debt was settled. The debt being settled meant my father wouldn't meddle, wouldn't think he had a right to do anything to your father again. Because he's your father I did that so that you wouldn't have to deal with my father fucking with your father's life anymore. I know how Pop's brain works. If I hadn't settled the debt, he'd still think he had a right to continue to settle the score. Stealing you wasn't enough. Fucking with Shi hyuk's life wasn't enough. It might never have ended. Never. And you're not just a piece of property to me; you're every fucking thing to me."

I couldn't think straight, I wanted him to let go of me. I pushed at his chest again but he pulled me tighter against him. Instead of fighting, which I knew was useless, I just went limp. He held me close and rocked me for a long time and I was just limp. No tears, no expression, no thoughts. Just limp.

"Jungkook? Baby?" he finally said and touched his lips to my forehead, one hand threaded into my hair.

I closed my eyes tight, "I can't." I said.

"Jungkook" he hauled me back a few inches and held my face in both of his hands.

I opened my eyes.

"I love you," he said.

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