Chapter 70

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Taehyung pov

I was fucking steaming. 

I was fucking mad. 

My Pop wasn't happy about what'd happened at the hospital that day and hadn't taken our calls or seen us since. He knew I was still digging into his activities and that I was finding out shit that made my skin crawl. 

My father was more power hungry, more ruthless, and more evil than I had ever realized.He'd frozen us out. He'd frozen company accounts and was taking legal action to lock Jimin and me out of the business, even though we owned shares on paper. He'd put a lawyer in charge. 

Lisa didn't know squat about it all so of course she'd invited us to Pop's big surprise welcome home dinner and Pop hadn't looked at us once all day until he put his hands and his mouth on my Jungkook and looked right at me and that's when I was ready to fucking lose it. 

I'd been behind Jungkook and immediately ripped him out of his arms and got in his face. Jimin took Jungkook away and the room cleared out.

"What in the fuck was that?" I demanded after a stare down that went on until the doors to that room and the sliding doors to the outside clicked shut and it was just us two in the room.

He said nothing, just looked at me with cold dead-looking eyes.


"Everything you have, my boy, everything you have is because of my blood, sweat and tears."

I raised my brows, "You haven't made me work for everything I've got? You haven't made me prove my loyalty and worth to you every single fucking day of my life? Your kids, everyone who has ever loved you haven't all paid a heavy price for being your family, your wives?"

Pop snickered.

"You don't put your fucking hands on my Jungkook again." I warned, "If you weren't who you are to me you'd be in the fucking ground for that shit."

He didn't reply, just kept looking at me with hatred.

"I guess Jimin and I have your answer." I said as my brother re-entered the room.

"You might wanna rethink this, boys" He gave me a sick smile.

"What's up your sleeve?" Jimin asked him.

"Re-think this." Pop threatened.

I shook my head, "No. I'm done."

I walked outside. I walked by my two siblings who were huddled with Lisa near the door and saw the Jeep. 

It was empty. 

I looked back at my siblings.

"Three of Pop's men drove off with him, Tae." Jin whispered, "Lisa said they pulled him out of your car and left in a black SUV."

I ran back into the house toward the room I'd been in with Pop and Jimin. 

Jimin met me in the hall. I pushed past him, "Where the fuck?"

The room was empty.

"Where'd he go?" I yelled to my brother.

Jimin looked back, "I don't know. He left the room after you. I made a call."

"He fucking took Jungkook!" I snarled.

I tore through the house looking for Pop but he wasn't there. I finally found Nino, who'd been in the garden off that room and he'd seen Pop come outside and head toward the driveway. He had been watching his son play with the other kids while Amy was in the kitchen with some of the other women so he hadn't paid attention. Just saw Pop casually leave the property. 

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