Chapter 37

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Jungkook pov

"Jungkook" I heard a deep voice. I didn't recognise it. I had the knife in my grip.

"Taehyung asked me to escort you somewhere safe. Please come out," the voice said.

I didn't believe anything I was hearing. Where was Tae? Was he shot dead in the hallway? Was this someone else wanting to kidnap me? If they wanted me dead they would just shoot though, right?

I heard more footsteps, then saw a pair of men's black leather dress shoes, "What's going on?"

Was that Jimin's voice? I wasn't sure.

"He won't come out," the first guy said.

I saw some suit pant-clad knees, then Jimin's face. I was lying under the bed with the knife pointed toward him. He looked at my face, the knife, then my face. He smiled, "You okay?"

I was frozen, I couldn't move. I just laid there pointing the knife at him.

"C'mon," he said and he looked amused.

I slid out from under the bed and he helped me up. The knife fell. I was shaking.

Jimin threw a robe at me and I put it on, glad he was thinking straight because I sure wasn't. I was still in my white shirt which was almost see through and boxers.

Nino, that biker-looking guy was standing there with Jimin.

"Quickly, come," Jimin and Nino ushered me out of the room.

Two men were on the carpet in the hall and one was face down, one wasn't. The one who wasn't I recognised as one of the guys from day one. I wondered what his name was, if he had any family. It was not only bloody but there were holes in the walls. Tae was nowhere to be seen.

I breathed out a large breath and Jimin ushered me forward but leaned back, "Get him shoes and get Tae some pants, fast," he told Nino.

"Where's Taehyung. He okay?" I breathed.

"Yep, no worries. Settle down." Jimin gave my shoulder a squeeze.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and I heard Tae's voice booming like thunder, "You tell me right fucking now or I cut off your balls first!" he sounded utterly murderous. I froze for a second.

"Jimin!" Tae shouted, "Bring him."

Jimin motioned toward the slightly open office door.

I opened it, seeing a very bloody redheaded guy slumped in a chair and Taehyung standing over him, two other men, one of them I recognised as sometimes being outside on guard, standing behind him. Taehyung was still just in his underwear.

Nino came up behind me and passed him a pair of jeans. Taehyung threw them on the desk and took me into his arms and inhaled my hair.

"You okay, baby?"

I sank into him, nodding but still trembling. Then I looked up at him, "You?"

"No. Not even a little bit," he said and glared toward the guy in the chair and then yelled at the man, "See him? He's mine. You and your fucking buddies put him in danger. See this frightened look on his face? No one makes his face look like that but me, you fucking understand? You come into my house and shoot up my bedroom door while I'm with my baby? You kill one of my men in my fucking house? Motherfucker!" Taehyung let go of me and punched the guy right in the face.

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