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As every other day,I was up very early in the morning so as to do my chores. And when I mean my chores it includes the ones that were not even supposed to be for me in the first place.


Let me do a little introduction. I am Tanimola, the fourth child of my 'family' yes its in quote cos I'm not sure I belong here. Growing up around here as not been easy , there is no love shown from both my parents and my siblings you'll get to know me better in the course of my story.


I was sweeping my mum's mini restaurant called 'buka' when I heard someone shouting my name from the house . I dropped the broom and ran directly to where the sound was coming from on getting there I met my elder sister "ma, I'm sorry I didn't hear u calling me I was busy sweeping Mama's shop". I said with fear filling my eyes and voice of what is to come .

She looked at me with the look of disgust I've grown used to " So you want to pretend as tho you didn't hear me Right" , "but ma I......." I was cut short by an heavy slap on my face tears welled up in my eyes I felt today will be a better day but no it gets worse each time . " Hey listen to me you good for nothing child, when you're done crying wash my clothes ehn, sweep my room and the others room including your younger sisters room,do you understand


Aunty fisayo walked out after giving her orders. I sat at the balcony thinking again. In my country you can run errands for your older siblings not your younger sibling but my case was totally different. Toyin our last born sits around doing nothing while I do all the chores and still go to school.
After doing all this for them I'll still have to pay my tuition fees myself cos no one will pay for me.

My parents will pay my siblings fees buy them new clothes but not for me. I'll have to do menial jobs for people like work on their farm, fetch water for people, and others. Just to get money for books and tuition but all my siblings got it free without sweats.

I hope for a better day but it only gets worse, Aunty fisayo who is the second child of the family is the worst of them all. She makes life so unbearable for me she enjoys seeing me in pains it's as if it swells her heart to see my tears she takes any chance to remind me of how I'm a bastard and I'm not even supposed to be a part of the family .

After crying and thinking for a while I stood up from the balcony to get to work. I made sure the work was done on time so as to serve in Mama's restaurant.

"Tanimola, serve this to baba Adio and behave yourself do you understand me" my mum said .

well the behave yourself that she meant was not to fight with any of the customer even those who try to touch me the way I don't like. I took the food to the man's table as I was about turning to leave he dragged me back

"Omo yiii ( this child), I've told you to come to me ehn let me spoil you, all you have to do is just treat me right you know make me feel good and I'll always take care of you for as long as you care for my needs " he laughed hysterically displaying his brown teeth which I'm sure was like that cos of his constant tobacco.

" Sir with all due respect, I'm same age as your last child and you still want to get down with me (laughs sarcastically) really . You have no shame and sir let this be the last time you say such words to me or lay those filthy hands on me I'll like to be excused". I grabbed the tray from the table and rushed out in anger going straight to report to my mother, after explaining to her all she said was

"ehn ehn, so are you the first such thing will happen to" she claps her hands together and laughed " I don't even know what they see in you anyway I mean not like you are beautiful or anything. Imagine a good man like baba Adio asking you out and you reject him is that not the height of stupidity ".

"But mama this man is old enough to be my father, I expect you to talk to him mama please " I looked at my mum wit tears in my eyes but she slapped me instead

" now get out of my sight idiot and next time you talk to any of my customers anyhow you'll be in trouble ". I walked out of the 'buka' and went to my usual spot for crying .

  Yes don't be shocked even my 'mother' maltreat me and her's hurts the most.

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